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Odium announced to the watching Singers that it was done and that Dalinar would now be their leader. The Fused complained that they were being made to follow a human but Odium threatened to reclaim his power that kept them alive and they backed down. Amaram walked up and gave Odium [[Nightblood]]'s sheath and Odium gave him a gemstone and instructed him to swallow it so that he could bond with Yelig-Nar. Amaram asked if he would be allowed to kill Dalinar and Odium told him that someday he might unless Dalinar killed him first.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium turned to Dalinar that the pain was over and that it was time to claim his new position as head of Odium's forces. While he huddled in too much pain to breathe or think he felt something inside his clenched fist and he opened it revealing a single [[gloryspren]]. This triggered a thought in Dalinar's head. He realized that the most important step a man could take was always the next step he took. Agonized and trembling, Dalinar forced his mouth open and spoke one sentence.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium stumbled back in surprise as he heard what Dalinar had said. Dalinar shouted at Odium that '''he''' had been the one to kill the people of Rathalas, not Odium. He said that while Odium had been there with him it had been '''his''' choice that caused Evi to die. He said that he accepted responsibility for what he had done and that Odium could not take it away from him. As Dalinar shouted at Odium he noticed that gloryspren were gathering around him and circling him in the air. Odium asked Dalinar what he hoped to gain by doing this. Dalinar replied that if he pretended that he had not done the things he had done it would mean that he could not grow to become a better person. Dalinar felt a familiar warm calming lite within him and he heard the words ''Unite Them'' echoing in his head.
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
