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Dalinar stepped through the hole in the wall onto the rubble beyond. Lift appeared beside him and Dalinar instructed her to retrieve the King's Drop from the Fused who had taken it. After Lift departed, Odium materialized among the soldiers and walked towards Dalinar accompanied by Amaram, Venli, [[Yelig-Nar]], and several Fused. He gave instructions to the Thunderclasts and then turned to Dalinar and told him that their time had come.{{book ref|sa3|117}}
Amaram's soldiers parted around Dalinar as they walked into the city and Dalinar ignored them as they passed. Dalinar began to despair of ever defeating Odium who seemed too vast and powerful an entity to be destroyed. Then he remembered what Honor had told him in one of his visions about appointing a champion. Dalinar turned to Odium and demanded that they have a contest of champions together. He told Odium that killing the humans would not free him from Roshar and he said that if Odium wins the contest he would allow him to leave, but if the human's champion prevailed Odium must allow the humans to live. Odium warned Dalinar that as a Bondsmith his words had an effect and he must be certain that he meant what he said, which caused Dalinar to hesitate. After thinking it over Dalinar told Odium that he was sure he wanted the contest, and Odium accepted it. Dslinar asked Odium who he had chosen as his champion, asking if it was Amaram, but Odium said that Amaram was not strong enough for what he wanted. The Thrill surged into Dalinar, stronger than ever, as Odium told Dalinar that he had been preparing him for all of his life for this very purpose and he was sure Dalinar would make the right decision.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Dalinar tried telling Odium that he was wrong, but instead of answering him Odium asked him what Evi would say. Dalinar heard Evi's voice crying and screaming as she burned to death in [[Rathalas]]. Odium told him that her death was not his fault, that he had made Dalinar kill her.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium started showing Dalinar visions of things he had done in the past while under the Thrill and telling him again and again that the things he had done were not his fault, but Dalinar pulled The Way of Kings close to his chest and refused to give in. Odium then sent him back into his memories of what happened at the Rift. Dalinar begged for mercy but Odium told him that he would keep reliving it until he gave in and admitted that it had not been his fault. Odium then had a bolt of lightning blast Dalinar's book from his hands and he dismissed its author, Nohadon, as a long dead failure. Dalinar fell to his knees and he heard the Stormfather whimpering in his mind. Dalinar tried to look away from the vision but there was nowhere to turn as he was surrounded by the vision. Dalinar tried to think of something that would distract him from his pain, but the only thing available was the Thrill. He remembered how he had always needed the Thrill to keep him going. He slumped over and as he heard Evi weeping he thought about how he had never deserved her. As he was crying he felt sound of the Stormfather's weeping leave his mind as Odium pushed the great spren away, leaving Dalinar feeling alone. Odium knelt beside Dalinar and told him that he was not alone and never had been as Odium had always been with him. As the Thrill surged within him Dalinar realized that he was a fraud just like Amaram. His veneer of honesty hid the murderer who killed women and children beneath a facade of honor. As Odium begged him to let go and give him his pain Dalinar trembled with pain and clawed at the ground as he thought of how he had failed his family. He thought of he could not live with all of this pain, and tore out his fingernails to try and distract himself but it did not help him forget the agony of his true self.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Dalinar tried telling Odium that he was wrong, but instead of answering him Odium asked him what Evi would say. Dalinar heard Evi's voice crying and screaming as she burned to death in [[Rathalas]]. Odium told him that her death was not his fault, that he had made Dalinar kill her.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium announced to the watching Singers that it was done and that Dalinar would now be their leader. The Fused complained that they were being made to follow a human but Odium threatened to reclaim his power that kept them alive and they backed down. Amaram walked up and gave Odium [[Nightblood]]'s sheath and Odium gave him a gemstone and instructed him to swallow it so that he could bond with Yelig-Nar. Amaram asked if he would be allowed to kill Dalinar and Odium told him that someday he might unless Dalinar killed him first.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium started showing Dalinar visions of things he had done in the past while under the Thrill and telling him again and again that the things he had done were not his fault, but Dalinar pulled The Way of Kings close to his chest and refused to give in. Odium then sent him back into his memories of what happened at the Rift. Dalinar begged for mercy but Odium told him that he would keep reliving it until he gave in and admitted that it had not been his fault. Odium then had a bolt of lightning blast Dalinar's book from his hands and he dismissed its author, Nohadon, as a long dead failure. Dalinar fell to his knees and he heard the Stormfather whimpering in his mind.
Odium turned to Dalinar that the pain was over and that it was time to claim his new position as head of Odium's forces. While he huddled in too much pain to breathe or think he felt something inside his clenched fist and he opened it revealing a single [[gloryspren]]. This triggered a thought in Dalinar's head. He realized that the most important step a man could take was always the next step he took. Agonized and trembling, Dalinar forced his mouth open and spoke one sentence.
|Dalinar to Odium{{book ref|sa3|119}}
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
