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|profession={{cat tag|Soldiers|Army captain}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
Brightlord '''Avarak Matal''' is a [[lighteyes|lighteyed]] officer in the [[Sadeas princedom|Sadeas]] warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains]] of [[Roshar]]. He is the captain of the Sadeas [[bridge crew]]s, although his wife [[Hashal]] seems to exert more authority than he does.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
== Appearance and PersonaltyPersonality ==
He is nearly as tall as [[Kaladin]], but he is spindly with delicate hands. He wears a sword at his side, but Kaladin believes that it is mostly there for fashion,. He and isHashal nearlyconsider asthemselves tallclose asassociates of [[KaladinTorol Sadeas]], butand spindlyare withpresumably delicateof handsa fairly high [[dahn]].{{book ref|sa1|43}}
== History ==
===Becoming Captain of the Bridge Crews, {{Rosharan date|1173|8|7}}===
He captains the [[bridge crew]]s in [[Shattered Plains|Sadeas's warcamp]], but lets his wife [[Hashal]] deal with the slaves.{{book ref|sa1|43}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} The only time he does any personal commanding without her is when he orders the bridge crews to form up and run before a plateau assault.{{book ref|sa1|64}} [[Hashal]] claims that he had asked to be assigned the captaincy of the bridge crews in order to see to it that they run smoothly and efficiently, but this is likely a fabrication.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
Matal was made captain of the Sadeas [[bridge crew]]s after [[Lamaril]]'s execution following the disastrous "side carry" battle.{{book ref|sa1|43}} Matal's wife [[Hashal]] claimed that he had asked to be assigned the captaincy of the bridge crews in order to see to it that they were run smoothly and efficiently; Kaladin assumed this was a fabrication since the position was not prestigious.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
Matal rarely addressed the crews directly, instead allowing Hashal to deal with them using his authority.{{book ref|sa1|43}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} He rarely spoke when Hashal was present, and only took personal command on the battlefield where women were not allowed; for example, he would give the bridge crews orders to form up and run before a plateau assault.{{book ref|sa1|64}}
Matal is present when [[Kaladin]] attempts to use himself as a diversion by dressing in [[Parshendi]] remains in order to divert their attention from the [[bridge crew]]s. He gives the order to charge and screams loudly at [[Kaladin]] when he realizes something unexpected will happen, as it was how his predecessor [[Lamaril]] lost his place. [[Torol Sadeas]] assumes that he had approved [[Kaladin]]s plan beforehand and mentions he will have to be promoted due to how well it worked.{{book ref|sa1|62}}
===Success on the Battlefield, {{Rosharan date|1174|9|4}}===
Matal later gives [[Kaladin]] and [[Bridge Four]] permission to leave [[Shen]] behind on bridge runs due to his foul temper and behaviour after he saw how they were going to treat the corpses of the [[Parshendi]].{{book ref|sa1|63}}
During a Sadeas plateau run, Kaladin attempted to divert the attention of the [[Parshendi]] from the bridge crews by dressing in [[singer]] remains and using himself as bait. Matal screamed loudly at Kaladin when he realized something unexpected was happening since Kaladin's previous attempt at innovation had resulted in Lamaril's execution. Kaladin's covert use of [[Surgebinding]] allowed the risky strategy to succeed, and the crews suffered almost no casualties. Torol Sadeas approached after the battle and Matal assumed he would be angry; to his credit, he took responsibility for Kaladin's actions. However, Sadeas assumed that Matal had approved the plan beforehand and was pleased that his risk paid off, stating that he would likely be compelled to give Matal a promotion. Matal was extremely angry at Kaladin for putting his life on the line, but did not discipline him since he knew he could not afford to lose him.{{book ref|sa1|62}}
Matal later givesgave [[Kaladin]] and [[Bridge Four]] permission to leave [[Shen]] behind on bridge runs due to his foul temper and behaviourbehavior after he saw how they were going to treattreating the corpses of the [[Parshendi]].{{book ref|sa1|63}}
Matal is later seen shouting orders when the horns sound before the [[Battle of the Tower]].{{book ref|sa1|64}} During the battle itself, Matal stays back from the fighting. [[Kaladin]] sees him speaking to the rear guard across the chasm from where [[Bridge Four]] is and he then takes off at a run to alert the bridge crews that they will be retreating from the battle.{{book ref|sa1|66}}
===Battle of the Tower, {{Rosharan date|1174|9|6}}===
After retreating from the battle, Matal was directing the [[bridge crew]]s back towards the Sadeas war camp. He eyes [[Kaladin]] and [[Bridge Four]] before shouting at them to cross, until [[Kaladin]] convinces him to allow them to follow later at their own pace (as they have their own bridge to cross with). Matal agrees, as this will likely lead to them being hunted down by [[Parshendi]], and thus he can rid himself of [[Kaladin]].{{book ref|sa1|67}}
Matal iswas later seen shouting orders when the horns soundsounded before the [[Battle of the Tower]].{{book ref|sa1|64}} During the battle itself, Matal staysstayed back from the fighting. [[Kaladin]] seessaw him speaking to the rear guard across the chasm from where [[Bridge Four]]'s isposition. andConfused heby thenMatal's takesactions, offKaladin atrealized that aSadeas runplanned to alertbetray the[[Dalinar]] bridgeand crewsthe thatKholin theyarmy will beby retreating fromand theabandoning battlethem.{{book ref|sa1|66}}
After retreating from the battle, Matal was directingdirected the [[bridge crew]]screws back towards the Sadeas war campwarcamp. He eyes [[Kaladin]] and [[Bridge Four]] before shoutinglagged at themthe torear crossof the army, untildrawing Matal's ire. [[Kaladin]] convincestold Matal that his men were tired, and convinced him to allow them to follow later at their own pace (assince they havehad their own bridge to cross with); he secretly hoped to desert the army. Matal agreesagreed, asthinking thisthat willtheir likelyslow leadpace towould cause them beingto be hunted down by [[Parshendi]], and thus he canwould be rid himself of [[Kaladin]].{{book ref|sa1|67}} Bridge Four was ultimately able to rescue Dalinar and many of his men.{{book ref|sa1|68}}
After the [[Battle of the Tower]], [[Kaladin]] notes that while [[Dalinar]] and [[Torol Sadeas]] are discussing the events of the battle, Matal is to the side focusing on [[Bridge Four]]. [[Kaladin]] notes that, due to what happened at the battle, he will likely receive the same punishment as [[Lamaril]].{{book ref|sa1|69}}
After the battle concluded, Kaladin observed Matal furiously focusing on Bridge Four while the highprinces debriefed. Kaladin assumed that Sadeas would have Matal executed, based on Lamaril's fate.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
== Notes ==