Difference between revisions of "User:Jofwu/White Sand"

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* check for missing articles
* wikilinks
* per WS2 "Previously", Sand Master is capitalized (sand mastery is not)
== Word List ==
;[[Baon]]: travels with Khriss
;[[Border Ocean]]: northern/southern Border Ocean, the border oceans
;border patrol: chased Khriss' party. Dynastic? capitalized?
;Chin chin!: a toast? (seems to be a real-world expression)
;[[Choosing]]: when king of Kerzta is chosen (sometimes lowercase)
;[[Cynder]]: Darkside professor, linguist (wears blue)
;[[DaiKeen]]: the "Professions" of Kerzta?-(but stronger, family clans); warrior(forehead tattoos), Priest(forehead scars), and merchant... others? Plural -in
;[[Darkside]]: lowercase in prose
;[[Darkside Quarter]]: part of Kezare
;[[Dayside]]: lowercase in prose
;[[deep sand]]: general term for deep sand
;[[Delius]]: Lord Merchant
;[[delrak naisha]]: (or just delrak? plural=delraiken) a sandling that hides and ambushes prey that touches it
;[[Denka]]: Dayside nation
;[[Deral]]: Elisian (military?) captain travelling with Khriss and killed by Baon
;[[Diem]]: the group and the building (group also called Sand Profession, Diem Profession)
;diemfen: Diem rank
;[[Dirin]]: Acolent who helps Kenton
;[[dokall]]: some kind of chemical used to make animal shells resistant to dissolving?
;[[dorim vine]]: grows under sand and provides water
;[[Drile]]: sand master, antagonist
;dueling pit: former name/usage of the Diem's conference area
;[[Dynastic]]: Darkside language
;[[Dynasty]]: Darkside empire,
;Helm's Rest: HQ of Lord Admiral's Profession?
;Iiaria; Darkside nation, part of Dynasty (people called Irarians?)
;Irarian: Darksider nationality, kingdom
;[[Jedan]]: trackt who died trying to apprehend Lokmlen
;KanLisht: ???
;[[karak]]: a type of deep(?) sandling
;[[Karshad]]: language of Kerztian clergy
;[[Kelzi]]: wealthy (Lossandin?) landowners
;[[Kenton]]: main character
;[[Kenton's mother]]: a Darksider
;[[Kezare]]: city (capital?) in Lossand
;[[Khrissalla]]: Darksider Duchess
;[[Khyan]]: a Lossandin builder
;[[Kli]]n: Kerztian nobility, singular is Kli
;[[KraeDa]]: rock formation at center of Dayside continent
;Lady Judge: leader of Law? Profession
;[[lak]]: money in Lossand and/ Kerzta (orDayside in general?) Kerzta
;lesstrell: Diem rank
;[[Loaten]]: Darkside traitor/expatriate
;Lord Admiral: leader of ??? Profession
;Lord Artisan: leader of Artisan? Profession
;Lord Beggar: leader of Beggar? Profession? (not real)
;Lord Farmer: leader of Farmer Profession
;Lord General: leader of Soldier Profession
;undermastrell: Diem rank
;[[Raagent]]: Lord General?, Aarik's father
;[[Reendel]]: ???
;[[Reenst Rile]]: Drile's father, important?
;[[Revan]]: city in Seevis
;[[Reven]]: the king of Seevis
;[[Rim Kingdoms]]: term for the nations along the east coast of Dayside
;[[Rite]]: Lord Artisan
;[[Ry'Do Ali River]]: river in Lossand
;Ry'Kel: "cursed land", Kerztian name for Lossand because it is a desert
;Ry'Kensha: Kerztian(?) word for sand master?
;[[sandling]]: live in sand, "deep sandlings" in deep sand
;[[Sand Lord]]: part of some religions?, particularly Kerztian
;[[sand mage]]: Darkside myth based on sand masters (c1 p2)
;[[sand mastery]]: magic
;Sand Profession: the Diem, one of the Lossandin Professions
;[[Seevis]]: Dayside nation
;[[Sharezan]]: crime lord (in Kezare? Lossand? Dayside?), potential alias of Nilto
;shella: Dynastic curse or exclamation
;[[Skathan]]: emperor of Dynasty
;Slatrification: part of sand mastery, capital as noun
;[[Tain]]: a trackt responsible for operation to catch Sharezan at boat races
;Taiocian: Darkside nationality
;[[Taisha]]: Profession leaders, plural=Taishin
;[[Taishin]]: council of Profession leaders
;[[Tallon]]: Dayside nation
;[[terha]]: a pack animal used on hunts
;terken: used to describe sandlings- reason they are resistant to sand mastery, carapace/skin, disccuss in sand mastery article?
;[[tonk]]: Dayside riding/pack animal
;[[Torkel]]: ???
;the [[Tower (White Sand)]]: HQ of soldier Profession, Kenton trained with soldiers here, barracks are part of Tower
;[[trackt]]: special agents (or police force?) of Law Profession
;[[Trackt Hall]]: HQ of the trackts
;[[Traiben]]: Kenton's friend, a Mastrell
;traid'ka: Good luck? A blessing? good fortune
;underlesstrell: Diem rank
;[[Vey]]: lordLord of a ProfessionMerchant
;zensha: traitor in Kerztian language, derogatory?no
