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Morriumur was originally assigned to be in their own solo flight, but Spensa argued on their behalf, and convinced the officials to put Morriumur on her flight, along with Brade, Hesho, and Vapor.{{book ref|starsight|17}} On the first day of official training, Morriumur and the others in their flight boarded **[[The Weights and Measures]]**, the FTL transport ship that took them to the training grounds. En route, Hesho renamed their flight to Flowers of Night’s Last Kiss.{{book ref|starsight|20}} Spensa declared that everyone should have a callsign, and gave Morrimur the callsign "Complains", which Morrimur despondently accepted.{{book ref|starsight|21}} The flight organizes themselves and does some basic maneuvers, then begins the training regimen for fighting [[delver]]s. Though they were supposed to practice navigating a constructed delver maze to siumulate fighting a delver, Spensa had the flight work on formations and maneuvers instead, due to the group needing work on the fundamentals of flying as a cohesive unit. Morrimur doesn't preform particuarly well, and accidentally shoots at Spensa during the exercises.{{book ref|starsight|22}}
On a day off from training, Morriumur visited Spensa's living quarters to talk to her. Morriumur expressed their self-doubt to Spensa, wondering if they're worth training, and Spensa tells her they are. Morriumur takes Spensa for a walk to visit a water garden, and the two discuss Morrimur's parents and the nature of the Superiority. Upon returning to Spensa's apartment, Morriumur spotted [[Doomslug]], Spensa's pet [[taynix]]. Morriumur was appalled, and warned Spensa that taynix are extremely deadly, but Spensa reassured her that the creature just closely resembles a taynix. Morriumur warns Spensa to keep it hidden, then leaves.{{book ref|starsight|28}} Some time later, Morriumur participated in another practice session with the delver maze, this time being observed by several high-ranking Superiority officials.
=== Battle of Alta Second or whatever its called ===
After a decoy drone created by Spensa was found aboard the ''[[Weights and Measures]]'', Winzik issued an order for all pilots to report to the Weights and Measures for immediate departure. He announced that the drone contained a weapon that was human in origin, and they were going to hyperjump to [[Detritus]] and wipe out the [[human military force|DDF]] there. Morriumur was worried, telling Spensa that they were trained to fight Delvers, not humans.{{book ref|starsight|36}} Morriumur decided not to go at the last minute, and decided they were done being a pilot.{{book ref|starsight|39}}
Morriumur went back to their family, who decided that they didn't like the current draft of Morriumur. Their family decided that they should try again, and they all gathered to say goodbye. Though they assured Morriumur that they shouldn't take it as a rejection, but Morriumur couldn't help but see it that way. Their family saw them as too aggressive, and were disappointed that they'd chosen to become a pilot. As Morriumur got into the drafting pod and was about to be redrafted, the entire room shook. Morriumur looked and saw that a delver was attacking Starsight.{{book ref|starsight|i|3}} Though both halves of their mind told her to flee, but instead Morriumur went to help stop the delver. They boarded an unarmed shuttle equiped with an industrial light-lance, then flew out towards the delver. Spensa and Vapor tried to get to the delver's heart, but got seperated. Spensa became disoriented by the visions projected into her mind by the delver, but Morriumur came to her rescue. Because of Morriumur's nature as a draft, the delver projected two different visions to the different halves of their brain. Morriumur was able to easily see through the projections, and guide Spensa to the delver's heart. There was air and gravity inside the heart, and Morriumur got out of their ship to get Spensa out of her cockpit. There was a deep black hole in the heart, which Morriumur helped Spensa jump into.{{book ref|starsight|43}}
Shortly after, the delver vanished, and Spensa appeared floating in space. Morriumur acted quickly, pulling Spensa into their ship's cockpit. Morriumur returned to Starsight carrying Spensa, and was greeted with cheers. They were confused, having thought that people would be angry that they flew into battle. Once Morriumur became a celebrity, their family changed their minds about redrafting them, and the draft of Morriumur was born as a newborn purple dione.{{book ref|starsight|epilogue}}
== Notes ==
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