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Kaladin idly toys with a leaf of [[blackbane]], contemplating using it to poison [[Tvlakv]], his slave trader. A [[windspren]] in the form of a slender young woman, but only a handspan tall, speaks to Kaladin and wants to know what the blackbane is. Kaladin is surprised because she knows his name. In the ensuing conversation, he observes that she is much more intelligent than a typical [[spren]]. When she asks why he doesn't fight anymore, he says that he has failed.
Kaladin sees Tvlakv going to inspect a sick slave. Kaladin tells him that the man has the grinding coughs, and will survive if given extra water. Tvlakv removes the man from the rest of the slaves, and Kaladin thinks he is going to give him water. Instead, Tvlakv[[Bluth]] brutally murders the man. Kaladin is upset over his failure to save the man.
In his anger at the other slaves' murder, he crushed the blackbane against the bars of the wagon, losing most of it.