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;Plot Summary
Spensa and Peg engage in a fierce hand-to-hand fight, Spensa eventually defeating Peg by going for her legs. The other pirates level weapons at her, but M-Bot brings his new ship up into the air, leveling destructors at the pirates. Spensa gets into M-Bot, now in his new body. M-Bot opens the hangar doors and asks Spensa if he could fly. Spensa gives him permission, and he takes off clumsily, clipping the hangar door on the way out. M-Bot still isn’t flying very well when the pirates began to fly out after them. Spensa takes the controls and flies away, testing the pirates’ ability to keep up. Spensa evades the pirates expertly, outmatching them in skill. M-Bot discovers that the destructors on the pirates’ ships are not lethal, but only lock up ships by overwhelming their electronic systems. Spensa flies back towards the Broadsider base, and shoots new pirate ships as they try to fly out. Spensa gives M-Bot the controls and exits her plane to go to where she buried her father’s pin. It isn’t there.
=== Chapter 22 ===
