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;Plot Summary
Chet works on plotting a course to the Broadsider base, and Spensa and M-Bot watch three star fighters survey the destroyed fragment. Spensa sees that the pirate pilots are passable pilots, but not very skilled. She also realizes that she misplaced Skullbreaker during the chaos, which saddens her. Spensa contemplates their journey so far, and finds the adventure exhilarating. M-Bot tells Spensa that he’s sad that thoughbecause Chet is his pilot, and he calls him an abomination. Spensa comforts him by saying that Chet will adjust, and that Spensa is M-Bot’s pilot anyway. M-Bot also tells Spensa that he’s still mad about her abandoning him on Starsight, and Spensa apologizes again. Spensa feels the delvers communicating to her, and sees that they are very angry at her for corrupting one of their members, the one who had attacked Starsight. She realizes that they sent the rock fragment to destroy her. Chet finishes planning the route, and asks her how she feels about sailing.
=== Chapter 14 ===
