Difference between revisions of "User:Taln Fan/Summary:Cytonic"

;Plot Summary
Chet and Spensa find a wooden building, and take the doors of their hinges. They make [[Not-ilus|a rough raft]] out of the doors and large nuts, and set sail across a large ocean fragment. A [[garqua]], a sea creature, comes up to their raft, and Spensa names it Gnash the Slaughterer. Using fruit to motivate it, Chet used Gnash to let them traverse the ocean fragment faster, having the creature tow them along. They reach land, and Chet tells Spensa that the Broadsider base will pass by the next day. Chet tells her that when he had a ship, he tried to fly towards the lightburst, but lost all of his memories in the attempt, slowly losing himself the closer he got. Spensa thinks about the frightful passing of time in the nowhere, and drifts off to sleep.
=== Interlude I-2 ===
