Difference between revisions of "User:Taln Fan/Summary:Sunreach"

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=== Chapter 6 ===
*[[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Alanik]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Jeshua Weight]]
* [[Spensa Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
FM is told to come to the medical bay early the next morning, and meets Jorgen there. She learns that her wounds have mostly healed, and that the medical team is about to wake her up. Cobb has picked them to talk to her first, since Jorgen is a cytonic and FM is better with people. Alanik wakes, and FM and Jorgen greet her, using the translator pin. Alanik asks where Spensa is, and FM explains what happened. Alanik asks where she is and how the humans have survived, and FM answers her questions. Alanik doesn’t know how much time as passed, and is horrified to find that she’s been in a coma for over two weeks. Jorgen asks her to teach him how to use his cytonic abilities. When FM mentions that they have a communication from a faction in the Suiperiority, Alanik vehemently warns them not to trust them.
Cobb and Jeshua enter just as FM begins to make progress, and Jeshua demands answers from Alanik. Jeshua acts forceful and blunt, saying that they would keep Alanik captive until she gave them information. Jorgen suddenly cries out, stumbling backwards, and Alanik teleports away. Jorgen says that Alanik spoke in his mind, saying that she didn’t trust them.
=== Chapter 7 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Ziming]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jeshua Weight]] (mentioned only)
* [[Spensa Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nedd Strong]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thadwick]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
After giving a report to Cobb, FM goes to the engineering bay to check on the taynix. She finds Rig’s box on the floor with two taynix inside, implying that the slugs teleported the box with them. Rig isn’t there, but someone directs her to the platform controls. She finds him working on the platform’s controls, and tells him about the slugs and the box. Rig reports that he’s trying to find the communicator so that they can perhaps respond to Cuna’s transmission.
When he tells FM that she can get back to watching the slugs, FM is annoyed and asks what his problem is and why he never speaks to her. Rig says that he doesn’t dislike her, and FM realizes that he’s been quiet around her because he likes her. FM is shocked and embarrassed, and they awkwardly return to the topic of finding the communicator. When FM lifts a heavy box, Rig says that Nedd would’ve been able to lift it, and FM mentions that she isn’t interested in Nedd. They find the FTL communicator, a box like the one in M-Bot’s ship, and they realize that they’re supposed to put a slug in it to make it work.
==== Chapter 8 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Fine]]
* [[Gill]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Gran Gran]] (mentioned only)
* [[Spensa Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
* [[Matthew Cobb]] {mentioned only)
* [[Boomslug]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
FM, Rig, and Jorgen sit in the engineering bay, with Fine, discussing the FTL box. Through process of elimination, they guess that the purple and orange slugs are used for FTL communication. They discuss how to make it work, and Rig suggests that they use a holographic projector to project an image onto the inside of the box. Jorgen details what he had been thinking about when Boomslug exploded, and they theorize that maybe thinking about the eyes in the nowhere scares the taynix into acting. To test it, Jorgen picks up Gill and thinks about the delvers, and Gill teleports away but leaves Jorgen standing there. They try it using the box, but Gill doesn’t teleport. They try it with Happy instead, with Jorgen holding the box with Happy inside. Both Jorgen and Happy disappear, and jorgen appears squeezed in a cubby on the other side of the room. Jorgen decides that despite the difficulties, they should try it out with a ship.
=== Chapter 9 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Gill]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Sadie]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Jeshua Weight]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
FM and Jorgen are in a two-seat fighter, with a box of yellow taynix bolted to the floor of the cockpit. The rest of Skyward flight is there in case things go wrong, and FM and Jorgen discuss Joshua and the General Assembly while they get in position. FM plays some music as Jorgen concentrates on the taynix, and they suddenly teleport into the debris belt. They are forced to dodge several pieces of debris as the rest of Skyward Flight tries to come up to them. Jorgen focuses on the place he wanted to go, teleporting them out of the way of two giant colliding pieces of debris. Jorgen tells FM that he thinks the Superiority heard him that time, and likely knows that he’s teleporting. Moments later, Cobb comes over the radio, saying that the Superiority is moving their battleships into position, and that their biggest ship has planetary weapons for bombardment. They realize that since the Supercity knows they could potentially escape, they’ve decided to destroy Detritus once and for all.
=== Chapter 8 ===
=== Chapter 9 ===
