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|I don’t want your life, son, I don’t want your city or your kingdom. If I’d ''wanted'' to conquer Thaylenah, I wouldn’t offer you a smiling face and promises of peace. You should know that much from my reputation.
|Dalinar to Kdralk after beingstabbing stabbedhim in his chest{{book ref|sa3|59}}
When the time came for the first meeting with all of the members of the coalition, Dalinar still feeling haunted and weary from what happened in Azir, asked Navani to lead the meeting in his place. Throughout the meeting Dalinar sat in his chair, gazing imperiously at all present with little participation in the debate. When the meeting took a recess Navani sat down with Dalinar and told him that he needed to get out of the tower and take a break. They decided that Dalinar would go to Vedenar to assess the situation over there before they sent in troops to aid Taravangian and his people.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
As Dalinar toured Vedenar he tried to distract himself but he was unable to and his mind kept wandering back to what he had done toat Rathalas. Eventually Navani was led away from him and Dalinar made his way to a gazebo to look upon the ruins of city by himself. As he gazed upon the remains of the civil war he smelled smoke and heard phantom weeping, things he remembered feeling before he went to the Nightwatcher. Eventually Taravangian arrived carrying a [[half-shard]] to show Dalinar. They discussed how the fabrials were made butand Dalinar, suddenly overwhelmed by the moral implications of 'enslaving' spren inside fabrials, tried to change the subject. They discussed the morality of what [[Sadees]], Dalinar's ancestor, had done to Roshar. Taravangian argued that they would be better off if Sadees had succeeded in his quest of conquering all of Roshar as it have left them better equipped to fight off the Voidbringers as a unified force. Dalinar was uncertain that this would have justified the slaughter and death such a conquest would have required, and he said that in any case they could not change the past. Taravangian started to explain to Dalinar how artifabrians trapped spren in gemstones for fabrial, but Dalinar became overwhelmed again and hastily left the king's presence.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
Dalinar made his way to the [[stormshelter]]s outside the city walls where he inspected the city's troops, a process which seemed to calm him down. At the end of his inspection he came to a tent filled with wounded soldiers. One of them, [[Geved]], told Dalinar what fighting in the Veden civil war had been like. He
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
