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→‎Leading the Knights Radiant (1174 - ): finished through chapter 28
(→‎Quotes: added quote)
(→‎Leading the Knights Radiant (1174 - ): finished through chapter 28)
After the ceremony, [[Kadash]] arrived to confront Dalinar for this. During this discussion with Kadash, Dalinar remembered more of his past, that Rathalas had been horrific for Kadash, but few more detail than that. Kadash did not succeed in getting Dalinar to recant his heresy.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
With things at Urithiru under some control, Dalinar and the current leadership turned their eyes to the rest of the world, wanting to find some way to reach out to them. While they studied the map, Shallan and Dalinar’s powers interacted, creating a three-dimensional image of the world out of Stormlight. The scout [[Lyn]] interrupted this meeting to inform them all of a second, copycat murder.{{book ref|sa3|8}} They went to see the body, and found it murdered in the same manner that Sadeas had been killed. Dalinar sent Adolin to Aladar’s team to continue investigating there.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
Elhokar, frustrated at his lack of power, tried to abdicate the Alethi throne to Dalinar, who refused to let him do it. Instead, Dalinar gave up his claim to the Kholin lands entirely in exchange for leadership of Urithiru, outside of Alethkar’s authority. Elhokar’s anxiety is for the safety of the Alethkar capital, [[Kholinar]]. Dalinar didn’t want Elhokar going on his own, and Elhokar asked that [[Kaladin]] to go with him.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
After walking through the halls of Urithiru for an hour, [[Lyn]] caught up to him saying that Bridge Four had found something that needed his attention. When he arrived at the balcony where they were waiting for him he found [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] protruding from the planter box where it had landed after Adolin had dropped it out of a window higher up in the tower. Even though he used a handkerchief to pick up the blade and did not directly touch the metal he still heard the blade's scream in his mind. Dalinar put the blade on his shoulder and went to the Sadeas part of the tower. On his way there he asked the Stormfather if it was possible to revive the blade.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
When he found [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]] in her chambers, with Amaram at her side, he set the blade on the floor and turned to leave. Ialai expressed her surprise that he was giving it to her unconditionally and Dalinar, wearily, told her that he was not the one who had killed her husband. Afterwards Amaram lectured Dalinar, calling him a hypocrite, and Daliner stormed off to his chambers. When he reached his outer common room he found Taravangian sitting by the [[heatrial]] that Navani had installed there.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
|It’s not a matter of morality, is it? It’s a matter of thresholds. How many guilty may be punished before you’d accept one innocent casualty? A thousand? Ten thousand? A hundred? When you consider, all calculations are meaningless except one. Has more good been done than evil? If so, then the law has done its job. And so … I must hang all four men. And I would weep, every night, for having done it
|Taravangian explaining his take on the [[The_Way_of_Kings_(in-world)#Hogman.27s_murder|Hogman's Murder]]{{book ref|sa3|28}}
When he found [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]] in her chambers, with Amaram at her side, he set the blade on the floor and turned to leave. Ialai expressed her surprise that he was giving it to her unconditionally and Dalinar, wearily, told her that he was not the one who had killed her husband. Afterwards Amaram lectured Dalinar, calling him a hypocrite, and Daliner stormed off to his chambers. When he reached his outer common room he found Taravangian sitting by the [[heatrial]] that Navani had installed there. The two of them sat together in silence for a while as Dalinar contemplated his failure to assemble a coalition. Taravangian broke the silence and they discussed the nature and origin of morality. Dalinar brought up the story of the [[The_Way_of_Kings_(in-world)#Hogman.27s_murder|Hogman's Murder]] from the Way of Kings and they discussed what they would have done if they had been the judge in the story. Taravangian said that he would kill all four men as that would be the best for society, but Dalinar did not think it was so clear cut.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
After Taravangian left the Stormfather told Dalinar that he was not a hypocrite but Dalinar disagreed and said that a hypocrite is simply someone who is changing. Dalinar asked the Stormather if he had any more visions of [[Nohadon]] to show him and the Stormfather said that Dalinar had already seen all of his visions. Dalinar then asked to see the vision where he met Nohadon again and moved to get Navani to record it for him. The Stormfather offered to bring Navani into the vision with him, a possibility which Dalinar had not considered. The Stormfather explained that he could bring anyone who was touching Dalinar into the vision as well as anyone who is within a highstorm. Dalinar realized that this was his solution to his issues with the other monarchs and started planning.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
