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(chapter 27)
|family=[[House Kholin]]
|relatives=[[Jasnah]], [[Elhokar]], [[Gavinor]]
|born=ca. {{Rosharan date|1120|missing-date=y}}{{wob ref|5569}}
|abilities={!{tag+|bondsmith}}, {!{tag+|oldmagic}}, {!{tag+|Shardbearer}} <small>(formerly)</small>
|bonded=the [[Stormfather]]
|titles={!{tag+|Highprince|Alethkar}} <small>(formerly)</small>, [[Highprince of War]], Highking of Urithiru{{book ref|sa3|12}}
|aliases=The Blackthorn
|groups={!{tag|Knights Radiant}} <small>([[Order of Bondsmiths|Bondsmiths]])</small>, {!{tag+|army|Kholin}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|I see beauty in you, Dalinar Kholin. I see a great man struggling against a terrible one.
|[[Evi]] to Dalinar{{book ref|sa3|71}}
'''Dalinar Kholin''' is an Alethi [[highprince]] of [[Alethkar]]. He is known as the '''Blackthorn''' for his military prowess and is the [[Highprince of War]]. He is the younger brother of the late King [[Gavilar]], uncle of King [[Elhokar Kholin]] and [[Jasnah Kholin]], and is currently married to Brightness [[Navani Kholin]], Gavilar's widow. He has two sons, [[Adolin Kholin]] and [[Renarin Kholin]]. He is a member of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]], bonded to the [[Stormfather]], and is the de facto leader of the reformed [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
|Dalinar {{book ref|sa1|64}}
In his youth, Dalinar was heavily addicted to the [[Thrill]], to the point of turning to other drugs, like [[firemoss]], when it wasn't possible.{{book ref|sa3|49}} Back then, he cared for little other than killing, often ignoring strategy and tactics in favor of rushing into battle.{{book ref|sa3|11}} While initially, he sought equal combat, over time the Thrill corrupted that desire, to the point where eventually Dalinar relished in the murder of common soldiers, and found fighting other Shardbearers to be a chore.{{book ref|sa3|3}}{{book ref|sa3|26}} Over time, Dalinar managed to temper that hot-headedness to become a keen strategist and logistician, although he retains his desire to be at the forefront of a fight to this day.{{book ref|sa3|52}} At the time, he also had an overblown sense of personal pride, willing to punish thousands of people for a small subset of them ambushing him.{{book ref|sa3|76}}
|Dalinar {{book ref|sa1|69}}
In the present day, Dalinar Kholin is a man defined by duty, striving to act in a honorable and righteous manner.{{book ref|sa3|122}} He is, however, keenly aware of his own failings in this regard, and his tendency towards the extreme. He seeks out causes that he can believe in and which he can dedicate himself to, such as the [[Alethi Codes of War]] or ''[[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]]''.{{book ref|sa1|64}} He considers the latter in particular to be a particularly important part of his current self, as it was the book that began to heal him following his brother's death, and it's this book he constantly refers to for advice.{{book ref|sa3|105}}{{book ref|sa3|115}}
In the early days of the unification war, Dalinar hand-picked his own elite force of soldiers, sometimes even selecting enemy combatants and winning them over. One notable encounter of this was when fighting Brightlord Yezriar, an enemy soldier shot Dalinar with massive black arrows. The wounds were very serious, but Dalinar was so impressed at the distance the archer shot from that he chased him down. This archer was [[Teleb]], and Dalinar recruited him on the spot. Those black arrows with which Teleb shot Dalinar mark the incident that gave Dalinar his famous moniker of The Blackthorn.{{book ref|sa3|3}}
|We looked at this place here, this kingdom, and we realized, 'Hey, all these people have stuff .' And we figured ... hey, maybe we should have that stuff. So we took it.
Over the next year, Dalinar won his own Shards. His Plate he won in combat that involved kicking a man off of a cliff. The Plate was still new to him when the war took them to [[Rathalas]], otherwise known as the Rift, where Brightlord Tanalan rules. Dalinar knew that Tanalan had a Shardblade, and in the ensuing battle, he went straight to Tanalan to kill him and win the Blade. He defeated Tanalan but Tanalan's body was taken away by his men before the Shard appears. Dalinar tracked down the place where Tanalan was taken and found Tanalan's widow, and Tanalan's young son holding the Shardblade. Dalinar takes the Blade but can't find it within himself to kill Tanalan's family. After the battle, Gavilar tells Dalinar that the Blade he won is [[Oathbringer_(Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], the sword that belonged to the legendary Alethi conqueror, [[Sadees]] the Sunmaker.{{book ref|sa3|11}}
==== Urithiru ====
Dalinar got everyone to the plateau where the gateway to Urithiru was. Shallan got the Oathgate to work and teleported everyone on the plateau to Urithiru. There, he went to the rooftop of the city's tower and tried to speak with the Stormfather again. The Stormfather answered, but didn't want to help Dalinar at all. The Stormfather was required by the Almighty to share the visions, but the Stormfather was angry at humanity for killing spren in the past. Dalinar didn't give up and demanded a [[Nahel bond|bond]] with him. The Stormfather grudgingly acquiesced, though had no hope for Dalinar's chances of success at defeating [[Odium]]. Dalinar was now a [[Bondsmith]], one who brought men together.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
|I '''will''' unite instead of divide, Stormfather. I will bring men together.
|Dalinar's second Oath as Bondsmith{{book ref|sa2|89}}
He went back to Kaladin, Shallan, and Renarin, the other Radiants that he knew of. He warned them that the Everstorm was coming, and it would change the [[parshmen]] into those red-eyed Parshendi they knew were [[Voidbringers]]. His task now is try and save as many people as possible for when that happens.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
Now bonded with the [[Stormfather]], Dalinar freely revisited the visions to try and learn more about the previous desolations. He saw Odium’s light, a vision of a figure in dark Shardplate, with nine shadows and glowing red eyes. The Stormfather explained that the nine shadows are the [[Unmade]], and the figure is Odium’s champion.{{book ref|sa3|1}}
Meanwhile, in Urithiru, Dalinar was informed that someone had murdered Sadeas. He took this opportunity to delegate; Adolin was put in charge of Sadeas’ murder investigation, Sebarial becomesbecame the Highprince of Commerce, and Aladar was appointed as the Highprince of Information. The Radiants aren’twere not given specific tasks, exceptrather they were given Stormlight, now a non-renewable resource, and instructed to use it to practice using their abilities.{{book ref|sa3|2}}
|Old friend, Honor might be dead, but I have felt … something else. Something beyond. A warmth and a light. It is not that God has died, it is that the Almighty was never God. He did his best to guide us, but he was an impostor. Or perhaps only an agent. A being not unlike a spren—he had the power of a god, but not the pedigree.
|Dalinar to Kadash{{book ref|sa3|4}}
When the Everstorm came next, Dalinar felt the enemy’s presence, and the enemy was aware of him in return. Navani went to comfort him, and Dalinar admitted to her that he had gone to see the [[Nightwatcher]], who removed his memories of Evi. Dalinar decided then that their relationship ought to go no further without vows. Despite the ardentia having given their refusal to marry them, Dalinar was determined. They made their oaths to the Stormfather, marrying her right there. The ardentia was further angered, however.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
Dalinar wanted to spar to work through these plans, but no ardent was willing to spar with him. Dalinar’s ardents were being pushed to a decision between loyalty to the Almighty, or to Dalinar the known heretic. Instead of his ardents, Dalinar ordered [[Aratin]], one of [[General Khal]]’s sons, to spar with him in a wrestling match, which he lost. As the match finished, Navani arrived with word that the [[Iri]]ali queen wanted to speak earlier than scheduled.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
|Dalinar remembered. Her name had been Evi. She'd been tall and willowy, with pale yellow hair—not true golden, like the hair of the Iriali, but striking in its own right.
Finding that he thought better when in activity, Dalinar ordered Kadash to spar with him while he argued with both Kadash and the Iriali queen in two separate conversations. Dalinar refused to budge with Kadash, insisting that he wouldn’t change his mind and recant without evidence. The queen informed Dalinar that, instead of joining his coalition, Iri was going to ally with the Voidbringers. She said she might reconsider her choice if the Alethi would return Adolin’s Shardplate, which she claimed was rightfully Iri's. Navani observed that the Plate was rightfully Adolin’s by inheritance of his mother, Evi. This was the first time that Dalinar was able to hear Evi’s name since his trip to the Valley.{{book ref|sa3|16}} Over the next few days he regained many of his memories of their time together.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Soon afterwards Taravangian arrived at Urithiru with Adrotagia, [[Malata]] and a small group of scribes, guards, and advisors. He was the first monarch to answer Dalinar's call and travel to Urithiru via the Oathgates. He introduced Malata the [[Dustbringer]] to Dalinar as the newest Knight Radiant. After exchanging greetings Dalinar led Taravangian on a tour of the tower and explained to him what they knew of its workings. As they walked Dalinar offered Adrotagia and Taravangian the use of Alethi troops to aid in the defense of Kharbranth and its Oathgate but they declined his offer, claiming that they had enough Veden soldiers to defend themselves, and that they had successfully fended off the [[singer]] attack on their city. Dalinar then let [[Teshav]] lead Taravangian on the rest of his tour and went to speak with Navani while he waited for them.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
|A warning, from Tezim the Great, last and first man, Herald of Heralds and bearer of the Oathpact. His grandness, immortality, and power be praised. Lift up your heads and hear, men of the east, of your God’s proclamation.
Dalinar and Navani discussed Taravangian's senility and she assured Dalinar that he could be trusted. They also discussed whether or not Malata could be trusted. Dalinar Related to Navani how his memories of Evi were still returning bit by bit and Navani told him that in all of her research she had never found an instance of the Nightwatcher's curses becoming undone.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Shortly afterwards [[Ialai Sadeas]] arrived at the meeting accompanied by [[Meridas Amaram]]. Adolin stepped toward Amaram staring murder at him but Dalinar restrained him from doing anything to the man. Dalinar attempted to welcome Ialai and thank her for joining the meeting. She replied that she had only come because it was a convenient place to find all of the highprinces assembled together. She proceeded to announce that she had chosen Amaram to be the new highprince of the Sadeas princedom, a clear gesture showing her disregard for what Dalinar thought. After Elhokar gave his approval, Dalinar acknowledged Amaram as the new Sadeas highprince, and Adolin called Amaram a bastard and stormed out of the room.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
=== Oathbringer ===
|Brandon, ''[[Shadows of Self]]'' signing{{wob ref|5246}}
Dalinar is one of Brandon's oldest characters. He appeared in Brandon's first book, written when he was fifteen; there, he was named '''Jared'''. Like Dalinar, Jared was a younger brother to a well-liked king who iswas eventually assassinated; unlike Dalinar, Jared takes over the reins of the kingdom and takes his time to mold his nephew into a proper ruler, as the proto-[[Elhokar]] character (alongside proto-[[Jasnah]]) is initially kidnapped by the same assassins.{{bws ref|its-here-2}} While the story itself was canned, Brandon took Jared with him further, into ''[[Dragonsteel Prime|Dragonsteel]]'', where he participated in the [[Shattered Plains]] plot that would eventually be moved to ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]''.{{wob ref|8838}}
The next known incarnation of Dalinar is '''Dalenar''', in [[The Way of Kings Prime|''The Way of Kings'' Prime]]. Like Jared before him, Dalenar loses his older brother to assassins, although it seems he doesn't become the next king himself. Dalenar has three sons: Sheneres, Aredor (who would eventually become [[Adolin]]), and [[Renarin]], with Sheneres dying at the start of the book while trying to protect the king.{{book ref|wok'|1}} At the end of the ''Way of Kings'' Prime, Dalenar is forced to kill Elhokar for the greater good; Brandon eventually took that out, having decided that Dalenar trying to help his nephew would make the plot more interesting.{{wob ref|11552}}
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