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| Vorinism taught that the finest warriors would have the holy privilege of joining the Heralds after death, fighting to reclaim the Tranquiline Halls from the Voidbringers.
| [[Highprince]] [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s thoughts on the Tranquiline Halls{{book ref|sa1|15}}
== Vorin Doctrine ==
| May you someday find a place of honor in the Tranquiline Halls, fallen brother. And may we find a better end than you.
| [[Kaladin]] blessing a fallen bridgeman{{book ref|sa1|27}}
According to Vorin tradition, the Tranquiline Halls are the original home of mankind.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Humans lived there in peace until the attack of the [[Voidbringers]].{{book ref|sa1|24}} These monsters made of hate came from [[Damnation]], driving out mankind from its home and to Roshar.{{book ref|sa1|45}} The Voidbringers claimed the Tranquiline Halls as their own, and began their attempt to oust mankind from Roshar to Damnation.{{book ref|sa1|61}} The Almighty then sent the [[Dawnsingers]] to Roshar to care for the defeated humans.{{book ref|sa1|45}} The Voidbringers attacked mankind a hundred times and during [[Aharietiam]], their final attempt, the Heralds of the [[Almighty]] and the [[Knights Radiant]] defeated the Voidbringers. The Heralds followed the Voidbringers back to the Tranquiline Halls, intending to drive them back to Damnation and reclaim their home. This marked the ending of the [[Heraldic Epochs]] and the beginning of the modern [[Era of Solitude]].
| The ardents were careful to point out that excellence in any Calling would bring power. A farmer would be able to wave his hand and create great fields of spiritual crops. A spearman would be a great warrior, able to cause thunder with his shield and lightning with his spear.
| [[Kaladin]]'s thoughts on the afterlife in the Tranquiline Halls{{book ref|sa1|59}}
It is the Vorin belief that people spend their lives practicing their Callings, preparing to aid the Heralds.{{book ref|sa1|16}} The very best and those who die with valor are granted the holy privilege to rise again after death to join the [[Heraldic Forces]].{{book ref|sa1|15}} They make use of the skills of their Calling in the afterlife, given magical abilities to enhance their skills.{{book ref|sa1|59}} They fight alongside the Heralds in the [[War for Heaven]], the struggle against the Voidbringers in the Tranquiline Halls. The most important people are those with the Calling of soldiers,{{book ref|sa1|18}} who are glorified in the Tranquiline Halls{{book ref|sa2|44}} and assist the Heralds in fighting their battles.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Those who do not fight but still live exceptionally well are still accepted by the Almighty{{book ref|sa1|18}} and will aid in other ways, such as farmers growing crops to sustain the soldiers.{{book ref|sa1|59}}{{book ref|sa1|i|8}} Those who lived unremarkable lives and did not excel at their Callings remain asleep until the Halls are reclaimed, after which they will awaken and return to their home,{{book ref|sa1|59}} and finally reclaim the peace that ended when the Tranquiline Halls were lost.{{book ref|sa1|24}} The Almighty himself awaits the recapture of the Tranquiline Halls by his Heralds.{{book ref|sa1|43}} He depends on the Vorin peoples to train themselves well for this fight,{{book ref|sa1|28}} as he cannot do good himself and aid them directly without creating more evil by his actions.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
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