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|"Doloken!" Galladon cursed as the old Elantrian melted away like sugar in a cup of adolis tea. In barely a second, the man was gone, no sign remaining of flesh, bone, or blood.
|{{book ref|elantris|25}}
'''Devotion's Perpendicularity''', also called '''The Lake''' or '''The Pool''', is a [[Perpendicularity]] that appears as a round, ten foot deep body of crystalline, sapphire, fluid found on a mountain near [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] and [[Kae]]{{book ref|Elantris|60}} on [[Sel]].{{book ref|Elantris|25}} It appears to have no natural inlets or outlets, and is not filled with water but a thicker cool liquid.{{book ref|Elantris|61}} It is not absolutely confirmed to be of Devotion, but the feelings the pool generates and the close connection with Elantris heavily imply it.
== Effects ==
|The old Elantrian melted away like sugar in a cup of [[adolis]] tea. In barely a second, the man was gone, no sign remaining of flesh, bone, or blood.
|Raoden describing the effects of the pool.{{book ref|elantris|25}}
When entering [[Devotion|Devotion's]] Perpendicularity, people feel an extreme sense of comfort and calm.{{book ref|Elantris|61}} If someone is a [[Hoed]], they can sometimes momentarily regain a bit of consciousness, looking at those nearby for an instant{{book ref|Elantris|25}} or reaching their arms to the sky.{{book ref|Elantris|31}} The experience is so relaxing that it causes people in the Pool to sigh involuntarily.{{book ref|Elantris|25}}