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(Added Quotes section and some of my favorite quotes.)
(→‎The Bands of Mourning: Added some needed section breaks.)
===The Bands of Mourning===
====To New Seran====
Wax unholstered Vindication and downed a new vial of metals as he returned to Ladrian mansion, later that day; the telltale clues of intrusion in his own home had quickly brought him to high alert. Discovering that this newest threat turned out to be nothing more than the same Kandra as before, now seated in Wax’s own study, had done little to encourage him to lower his pistol.
With the timely arrival of MeLaan, Wax fought his way out of the mansion and escaped with Steris, who he found waiting for him behind a shrub outside. Taking her close, Wax steel-pushed their way straight up into the sky and through the evening mists, which gave way to the breathtaking view of [[The Ascendant’s Field]], where they shared a quiet moment of mutual respect and kissed above the clouds.{{book ref|mb6|16}}
====Uncovering the Weapon====
Staying ahead of the local authorities and following up on their only lead from the party, Wax rode a stagecoach toward the construction site in the north east. Along the way, he helped Marasi field test the cube device she had taken from the train robbers, which they took to calling an [[Allomantic grenade]] as it seemed to somehow extend the area of effect of its user’s Allomancy. At the construction site, Wax, Wayne, MeLaan, and Marasi successfully infiltrated the perimeter, discovering that a large, nondescript building was actually a facade, covering up Edwarn’s real effort in New Seran, the construction of what appeared to be a huge, wooden warship.{{book ref|mb6|17}}
No longer able to hold on, Waxillium Ladrian died.{{book ref|mb6|27}}
| Wax clenched his jaw, but couldn’t force down the trembling that took him. He lived it again, holding her as she died. Knowing he’d killed her. That hatred seethed inside of him. Hatred for Harmony. Hatred for the world. And yes. Hatred for himself.