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Arriving in the lower terraces of New Seran Wax uses steel pushing to take his group up to the top terrace where the hotel they were was located. After arriving at the hotel Wax prepares to attend the party being hosted by Kelesina Shores. {{book ref|mb6|10}}{{book ref|mb6|11}} Heading to the ballroom where the party is being held wax encounters Hoid disguised as a beggar, and after a short conversation, Hoid gives Wax a coin. Wax then heads to the ballroom but is relieved of his firearms at the entrance of the ballroom. At the party, Wax meets Khriss after having a conversation with lord Grave Entrone. Khriss questions Wax extensively about his feruchamical and allomantic abilities before going off to pursue another topic of questioning. Wax then meets with an informant who tells him about a building project to the north east of New Seran and gives Wax an ominous warning. Wax then returns to Steris but is stopped by Kelesina, Wax deciddes to inform Kelesina about what he knows, visibly concerning her and she excuses herself. Returning to Steris Wax informs her of what happened and Steris creates a diversion so they can go to a more isolated place in the mansion.{{book ref|mb6|13}} Acquiring a gun that Steris had snuck into the dance, Wax goes off to investigate Kelesina's activities and overhears her talking to his uncle.{{book ref|mb6|14}}{{book ref|mb6|15}}
Wax drops in on Kelsina talking to his uncle through a telegraph for voices, shortly after a Terris steward disarms him and shoots Kelesina, implicating Wax in the murder. With the help of MeLaan Wax fights off the security of the Mansion and escape the mansion. {{book ref|mb6|16}} After escaping Wax decides to leave New Seran and Head towards the building project to the northeast instead of heading home and trying to lessen the ramifications of histhe murder he was implicated murderin.
=== Notable Cases ===
* [[Pars the Deadman]]