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Upon waking, Shallan found Tyn's spanreed flashing. She responded to Tyn's messenger, successfully imitating the woman, and learned that the Ghostbloods desired to meet within the hour. Unable to delay the meeting, Shallan explained that she--Tyn--was wounded, and that her apprentice would appear for the meeting instead. Shallan practiced her Lightweaving as she waited for the meeting to be coordinated, inventing a false identity to use as Tyn's supposed apprentice--a false identity she would soon come to name "Veil." With everything organized and her identity covered by an illusion, Shallan snuck out of her room and into the night.{{book ref|sa2|42}}
Shallan eventually located the building she had been directed to in Sebarial's camp. The guard at the entrance allowed her to enter and then led her down into a basement and through a trapdoor. In the stately room below, Shallan met [[Mraize]] and an audience of silent onlookers, including masked [[Iyatil]]. Though disappointed not to see Tyn herself, Mraize decided to spare "Veil's" life, intrigued by her boldness. He asked Shallan, whowhom he calls "little knife," to have Tyn infiltrate Brightlord [[Amaram]]'s palace in search of "hidden secrets." Shallan then left the hideout and returned home, using a Lightweaving along the way to elude a pursuing Iyatil.{{book ref|sa2|43}}
Six days after the meeting with the Ghostbloods, Shallan used her increasing skill with Lightweaving to sneak into Amaram's manor. Disguised first as a messenger boy and then as one of the maids, [[Telesh]], she sought out the room which she suspected held Amaram's secrets. Inside, she found detailed maps of the Shattered Plains covered with [[stormwarden script]]. Additional notes revealed that Amaram was studying the same things that interested Jasnah--and that he was working to return the Voidbringers. Short on time, Shallan captured Memories of the roomdocuments before leaving the room. She covered her tracks on the way out, tying the loose ends of the lies used to enter the manor. As she leftLeaving the camp as the messenger boy, she informed Amaram that Shallan Davar wished to make drawingssketches of his Shardblade. At this he summoned the Blade, revealing it to be Helaran's and leavingleading Shallan withto the beliefbelieve that Amaram himself must havebe killedresponsible for her elder brother's death.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
The following afternoon, after Adolin's duel with [[Elit]], Shallan travelled by carriage as Veil to the appointed meeting place outside of the warcamps in the [[Unclaimed Hills]]. After a short hike she reached a pavilion where several Ghostbloods, including Mraize, awaited her. Believing Tyn to have failed in her assigned mission, Mraized was taken by surprise when Shallan produced multiple sketches of what she had seen in Amaram's room, though some detail had been secretly withheld. Mraize deduced that Shallan must have entered the room herself, but was disbelieving when she claimed to have produced the sketches from memory. He tested her then by having her drawn one of his associates, [[Jin]], on the spot. Shallan's success impressed Mraize thoroughly and he began to probe at her motivations, which led to his realization that Shallan had killed Tyn. He assured her that this would not damage her credibility with the Ghostbloods as Tyn was not a member, and then told Shallan to await instructions concerning a new task. Upon leaving, Shallan grew concerned that someone might follow her again, so she Lightwove a boulder to hide inside of. She had Pattern command the carriage driver to head back into the warcamps, using her voice to deceive the man into thinking she had slipped in quietly. The Ghostbloods eventually passed, but Shallan continued waiting until here Stormlight ran out. Along her long walk back to the warcamps, Shallan passed the burning wreckage of the carriage and the corpse of the coachman, reinforcing fears that she was in more danger than she realized.{{book ref|sa2|54}}
The following afternoon, Shallan travelled by carriage as Veil to the appointed meeting place outside of the warcamps.
A note from Mraize eventually came approximately two weeks later, directing her to seek further instructions at a specific time and location. Shallan arrived early, hoping to catch the delivery of these instructions, but after a long wait with no arrivals she began to wonder if the Ghostbloods were attempting to watch her in turn. She had Pattern search the windows of the tenement she waited on and was able to trick a spying Iyatil into revealing herself. The masked woman explained that the instructions provided were supposed to be carried out immediately, so that the Ghostbloods could watch Veil at work. When Shallan pressed, she explained that her task was to investigate a strange madman who had arrived in the warcamps under the custody of one of Dalinar Kholin's most trusted footmen. Determined to impress the Ghostbloods, Shallan invited Iyatil to join her on the task.{{book ref|sa2|63}}
meeting{{book ref|sa2|54}}
The women rode a palanquin to the temple complex in Dalinar's warcamps, where Shallan simply used her own identity to gain entrance while Iyatil was distracted. They reached the building where the man--none other than the [[Herald]] [[Talenel]]--was being kept, along with other mentally ill patients. Shallan then convinced the ardents that Iyatil was possessed by a Voidbringer, giving her a distraction to slip through unnoticed as well as a mean to escape from Iyatil's observation, and snuck into Taln's dimly lit room. Though the crazed man reacted minimally at first, constantly reciting his repetitive speech about his nature and purpose, an attempt to Surgebind by Shallan caused him to snap into a brief intense lucidity in which he seemed to recognize her as a Knight Radiant. Dazed after drawing her Shardblade in fear, Shallan was unable to leave before Meridas Amaram arrived with [[Bordin]] to question the man himself. Shallan hid behind a Lightweaving as the brightlord asked questions of the man without success, revealing to Shallan that he believed the words of the Herald to be true. After the two new arrivals departed, Shallan returned to Iyatil with information about Taln's rambling speech and the arrival of Amaram. Later that evening she delivered a full report via spanreed. Upon receipt, Mraize welcomed Shallan as a full member of the Ghostbloods.{{book ref|sa2|64}}
* Iyatil and Taln mission{{book ref|sa2|63}}{{book ref|sa2|64}}
[[File:Shallan in the Shattered Plains.png|200px|thumb|left|Shallan in the Shattered Plains by [[User:A.Lenaxderla|A.Len]]]]
A few days after arriving in the Shattered Plains, Shallan visited the Kholin practice grounds as Adolin practiced under the watchful eyes of Kaladin and his guards.{{book ref|sa2|44}} Shallan used their brief interaction to casually plan a walk with Adolin the following day, which in turn opened the door to a date at a winehouse of Adolin's choosing.{{book ref|sa2|47}} They used this time to get to know one another on a personal level, and seemed to connect well despite--or perhaps because of--Shallan's unorthodox conversation topics. Shallan also took the opportunity to question Adolin about the [[chasmfiend]]s. Convincing him that the Alethi and Parshendi may be hunting them to extinction, she asked him to speak with Dalinar about the possibility of travelling with the army to see a chrysalis for herself. After Adolin confided in her the details of their betrayal by Sadeas, Shallan explained the research into the Voidbringers that Jasnah had been working on, and asked for help in smoothing over the relationship with Navani. After the approaching highstorm was spotted, the two remained until the final seconds before the stormwall reached them before retreating into the shelter and making plans to speak again later.{{book ref|sa2|49}}
The two met again after Adolin's duel with [[Elit]], where Shallan began to devise a plan to help Adolin corner Sadeas himself in a duel.{{book ref|sa2|53}} There they made plans for another date the following day. When Adolin and Kaladin arrived at Sebarial's manor to pick her up, Shallan recognized [[Wit]], acting as the coachman, to the man who comforted her at the Middlefest fair three years prior. She thanked and hugged him before joining Adolin in the carriage, where they decided to visit a menagerie in the [[Outer Market]]. As they rode, Shallan shared more details about her plan regarding Sadeas--telling of the highprince's own use of the [[Right of Challenge]] and the [[King's Boon]] to corner Brightlord [[Yenev]] into a duel. She handed over further details in a letter to Navani, blushing as Adolin praised her plan and thanked her. They soon reached the menagerie and enjoyed their time there--Shallan sketching animals and explaining what she knew of them while Adolin made jokes.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
Shallan attended Adolin's full disadvantaged duel the next day. She berrated herself for not realizing the trap Adolin had walked into--intrigue she would be responsible for recognizing, as Adolin's wife. As her betrothed struggled in the dueling arena, Shallan briefly considered joining the fight herself, before writing off the idea as foolishness. Feeling wrong to interfere with Adolin's own fight, Shallan sent Pattern to distract the Shardbearer facing [[Renarin]], which bought enough time for Kaladin to enter the fight and tip the balance in favor of Adolin.{{book ref|sa2|56}}{{book ref|sa2|57}}
managerie{{book ref|sa2|55}}
Disadvantaged duel{{book ref|sa2|56}}{{book ref|sa2|57}}
Adolin's self-imprisonment after his victory gave the couple some time apart, though they continued to chat via spanreed on occasion. This freed Shallan to continue her research and her efforts to contact her brothers, but it also allowed some doubts to creep in concerning the security of their relationship. Though Shallan was never particularly jealous, she struggled with fears that Adolin was not as committed.{{book ref|sa2|60}}{{book ref|sa2|63}}
* dates with Adolin
* convincing Adolin to bring her out on the plains
==== Scholar and Radiant ====
After settling in Sebarial's warcamp, Shallan was finally able to devote more time to the study and continuation of Jasnah's research. While trying to discern the location of Urithiru, she made her first breakthrough--the realization that Jasnah was hoping to find an [[Oathgate]] to the mythological city on the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|sa2|47}} After infiltrating Amaram's mansion, Shallan used her findings there to focus her research. By comparing his map of the Shattered Plains with an ancient map of [[Natanatan]], she determined that the ruins of [[Stormseat]] must be located on the Plains. Amaram's notes further confirmed the idea that on Oathgate in the ancient capital would provide a means to reach Urithiru.{{book ref|sa2|60}}
As Shallan dug deeper into these matters, Pattern repeatedly tried to explain that she would need to confront her past--particularly the murder of her mother and the early memories of Pattern--in order to become the Radiant that she would need to be. Pattern hoped that by confronting these truths she would remember skills long forgotten, but Shallan continued to instinctually stiffle those memories. Instead they continued practicing and learning anew her skills with Lightweaving, including the ability to attach illusions to other objects and to suppress her glow when holding Stormlight.{{book ref|sa2|60}}
? {{book ref|sa2|60}}
Adolin confirms plans for journey in ch 63
?Journey out to the plains{{book ref|sa2|6068}}
* Jasnah's research (Stormseat, Urithiru, etc.)
==== In the Chasms ====
[[File: Kaladin and Shallan in Chasm.png|thumb|right|250px|Kaladin and Shallan by [[Coppermind: Artist/LittleGreyDragon|LittleGreyDragon]]]]
* better title?
* return through the chasms with Kaladin
Whelan #2 (https://i2.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Shallan-5.jpg?fit=475%2C%209999&crop=0%2C0%2C100%2C356px)
Sketching Urithiru by LittleGreyDragon (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363584162734669825/463529911701733376/20180702_212129.jpg)
Shallan, Veil, Radiant by LittleGreyDragon (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363584162734669825/463914485980332033/20180703_223344.jpg)
Shallan embarrased by LittleGreyDragon (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363584162734669825/464147736263000074/20180704_141709.jpg)
Re-Shephir large by Petar Penev (http://www.17thshard.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2018_07/large.ReShephir_dnavenom_S.png.b3d8decad0a28cfac9b3b867d811a41c.png)
Re-Shephir zoom by Petar Penev (https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/011/661/885/large/petar-penev-dnavenom-midnight-mother-final.jpg)