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With Steris kidnapped, Wax re-doubles his efforts into his previous investigation. Having obtained one of the Vanishers’ aluminum guns, Wax pours himself into researching its makeup and possible origin as well as working to uncover the mystery of the Vanishers’s ultimate goal. In the middle of his investigation, Wax, Wayne, and Marasi are caught up in an explosion in his study, set off by his butler in a botched attempt to assassinate him.
Eventually discovering the location of the Vanishers’ hideout and confirming Hundredlives’ involvement, Wax begins forming a plan to take down the unbeatable, former lawman. Focusing his attention to puzzling out the Vanishers’ peculiar robbery methods, Wax is taken by surprise when the Vanishers attack his train enroute back to Elendel.
=== Notable Cases ===