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(Through TWoK)
In some instances, Shallan recalls happy memories from her early childhood--such as a time when her parents loved to tell her stories.{{book ref|sa3|25}} On the other hand, the mysterious dealings of her mother and the attention her family drew from the [[Cryptic]]s suggests a more disquieting family life. By {{Rosharan date|1167}} Shallan's mother had been associating with a certain group of "friends," including a man by the name of [[Dreder]], who would occasionally visit the family's estates.{{book ref|sa2|45}} These people were associated with the [[Skybreakers]] and at least one of their number--with whom Shallan's mother had an intimate relationship-- was a Skybreaker acolyte.{{book ref|sa3|40}}
[[Pattern]] was eventually sent by his kind to form a [[Nahelnahel bond]] with Shallan, who spoke the [[Immortal Words|First Ideal]] at a young age.{{book ref|sa2|13}}{{book ref|sa2|17}} Their early interactions with one another took place in the family's gardens, where Shallan would bring her daydreams to life by practicing [[Lightweaving]].{{book ref|sa2|6}}{{book ref|sa2|60}} It is unclear whether these experiences were a means for Shallan to deal with a troubled childhood or simply the play of an imaginative young girl.{{wob ref|8418}}
{{quote|A familiar lullaby, one he always used to sing to her. In the room behind him, dark corpses stretched out on the floor. A red carpet once white.|Lin sings "Sleep My Baby Dear" to comfort his daughter{{book ref|sa2|10}}}}At the age of eleven, Shallan's mother discovered that her daughter was a [[Surgebinder]].{{book ref|sa2|88}} Her mother and a friend confronted Lin, trying to argue that something must be done about Shallan. The argument became a fight after the unfamiliar man drew a knife, apparently intended for Shallan. She watched as her father and the man struggled--her father scoring a cut on the man's arm before being pinned to the ground. Her mother seized the knife and moved for Shallan, prompting Shallan to summon Pattern as a [[Shardblade]] in self-defense. After killing both her mother and the associate, Shallan dropped the Blade and fell into a state of intense shock. Lin placed the Shardblade in his strongbox and held Shallan while singing "[[Sleep My Baby Dear]]" to soothe her.{{book ref|sa2|10}}{{book ref|sa2|88}} Though the Blade naturally vanished, Shallan began to associate it with her "Mother's soul" which she believed was held in the strongbox--an idea she clung to so firmly that the safe would visibly glow to Shallan's eyes.{{book ref|sa2|27}} In the months that followed, Shallan began to repress her memories of her mother and these events. Her disassociation with the Shardblade and the truth of what had happened caused her bond with Pattern to weaken nearly to the point of nonexistence.{{book ref|sa2|60}} In order to protect his daughter, Lin Davar allowed rumors to spread that he had murdered his wife and her lover--a secret he would share with few before his own death.
==== The Wind's Pleasure ====
[[File:{{sidequote|Power WoRis SHan -illusion Shallanof perception...jpg|350px|thumb|right|Shallan afterOn Jasnah'san deathindividual bybasis, [[User:Botanicaxu]]]]Jasnahin andmost Shallaninteractions, havethis takenthing passagewe oncall power—authority—exists only as it is perceived... I can create that illusion for them, as can you.|Jasnah to Shallan, aboard the Wind's Pleasure,{{book travelingref|sa2|1}}|right|400px}}Jasnah toand Shallan took passage towards the Shattered Plains aboard the Wind's Pleasure. Several days into the journey, Shallanas spiesthey asailed santhidthrough -Longbrow's anStraits, elusiveShallan andwas ancientsketching dwellerfrom ofher thememory oceanof -Shadesmar movingwhile alongsideon the ship's deck when she noticed Pattern's first reappearance. SheAs wantsshe toconsidered observethe strange sight, the crew began calling attention to a [[santhid]] underwaterwhich inwas orderspotted following the ship. Desiring to sketch itthe nearly mythological creature, butShallan isattempted dissuadedto fromhave Captain Tozbek stop the dangerousship, taskbut bythe Captainman Tozbekrefused her requests leaving Shallan deflated. Jasnah soonemerged joinsfrom her, cabin shortly afterwards and, detectingseeing herthat ward'sShallan innattentionwas todistracted by her readingvisit to the strange realm of Shadesmar, explainsexplained the basic nature of Shadesmarthe Cognitive Realm and spren to her.satiate Shallan's mentionscuriosity. theWhen patternsShallan ofexpressed linesconcern shefor hasher beenbrothers' noticingsituation, and Jasnah detailsexplained the measuresthat she hashad taken some actions to helpalleviate Housetheir Davar:problems. sendingShe moneyhad tocorresponded Shallan'searlier brothers,in the communicatingday with her mother, about[[Navani Kholin]], making plans both to repair the broken Soulcaster, and settingto upestablish a causal betrothal withbetween Shallan and [[Adolin Kholin]]. Finally,This Jasnahwould solve the Davars' financial problems and satiate the Ghostbloods while also givestying Shallan wordscloser ofto adviceJasnah. onHumbled powerby andJasnah's howopinion evenof itsher illusionpotential, cantheir beconversation enoughturned towards Shallan's self-doubt, to createwhich authorityJasnah explained that power and influence is often nothing more than an illusion. TakingEncouraged theseand wordsemboldened toby heartJasnah, Shallan commandscommanded Tozbek to stop the captainship toand helplower her gointo overboardthe insea, orderwhere she was able to observecapture a Memory of the santhid. for later sketching.{{book ref|worsa2|1}}
[[File: WoR SH - Shallan.jpg|350px|thumb|left|Shallan shocked by Jasnah's apparent death, by [[User:Botanicaxu|Botanicaxu]]]]
One night on the journey, their ship is attacked and Shallan sees Jasnah stabbed in the chest. She smells smoke in the cabin. Using lightweaving she creates an indistinct human form, which the attacking men chase. She then entered Jasnah's cabin and observed a large amount of blood on the floor, but no body. She assumes the men removed Jasnah's corpse. She hears sounds above and Pattern tells her that the ship's crew are being executed. Out of desperation Shallan attempts to soulcast the hull of the ship. With a huge amount of stormlight and the help of pattern she reached into shadesmar and soulcasted the '' Wind's Pleasure'' into water to escape.{{book ref|sa2|7}}
Pattern appeared again a few days later as Shallan was studying in her cabin. By taking a Memory and sketching the spren she was seemingly able to help cement his presence in the Physical Realm. Jasnah appeared at her door a moment later and the women discussed the nature of their nahel bonds and the spren associated with the Knights Radiant, including the Cryptics. Jasnah then charged Shallan with devoting her full time to the study of Pattern over the next several days. Pattern's intelligence and understanding seemed to be increasing notably as Shallan observed and conversed with him, though the crew took his presence as a bad omen. In once instance, as Pattern recalled his earliest memory, Shallan began to instinctively Lightweave--but it lasted only briefly once she realized the memories that it was unearthing. One evening, after a long but satisfying day of study, Shallan visited Jasnah's cabin to borrow infused spheres for light. She found Jasnah in an exhausted, troubled state which left a strong impression on Shallan--both of Jasnah's humanity and of the importance and urgency of their task. Upon hearing Shallan's desire to help bear the weight of their task, Jasnah explained more of what she understood about the Voidbringers and the Desolations. She also gave Shallan the requested spheres and explained the importance of [[Stormlight]], along with what little she knew of Shallan's ability to Lightweave. She also gave Shallan a copy of ''[[Words of Radiance (in-world)|Words of Radiance]]'' to study the Knights Radiant further. Shallan then retired to her room but slept only for a while before she was awoken by shouts and smoke. Shallan quickly surmised that the ship was under attack. Upon peeking out of her cabin she saw several men throw Jasnah's body to the floor and stab her through the chest. The men spotted Shallan who retreated into her room, leaving her trapped. As the men began to break through her door, Shallan was able to conjure a basic Lightweaving of a form dashing from the room and out onto the deck. The men chased, giving Shallan time to move to Jasnah's room. With the crew captured and no other means of escape Shallan entered Shadesmar and managed to Soulcast the entire ship into water. Shallan lost consciousness as she sank into the dark, icy ocean.{{book ref|sa2|3}}{{book ref|sa2|6}}{{book ref|sa2|7}}
* Santhid
* Pattern
* Causal
* more research
* attack, Jasnah's "death", and soulcasting ship
==== Tradesman Tvlakv ====
* waking up on the beach
Presumably having been rescued by the santhid, Shallan awoke to find herself on a rock near the shore of the [[Frostlands]]. The fate of the crew uncertain, Shallan made her way to the beach and traced a [[glyphward]] prayer before searching for other survivors. As she began to wonder how she would survive the night, Pattern spotted a chest which turned out to be Jasnah's--containing all of the woman's notes and research as well as a wealth of infused spheres. With night drawing near and Stormlight at her disposal Shallan, attempted to Soulcast a stick into fire, but amidst her own exhaustion and inexperience she was unable to overcome the stick's stubborn will. Refusing to give up, Shallan began walking further along the beach long after the sun had set. She eventually noticed a campfire in the darkness. Too cold and tired to think clearly, Shallan approached the fire, laid down, and fell asleep. She was roused in the morning to learn that she had wandered into the camp of the slave merchant [[Tvlakv]]. Though the party was eager to move on without her, Shallan exerted her rank and made promises of payment in order to convince Tvlakv to escort her to the Shattered Plains. They retrieved Jasnah's chest then set off, Shallan riding a wagon along with one of Tvlakv's mercenaries, [[Bluth]]. Shallan sought to distract herself as the weight of her loss--everything from Jasnah to her sketchpad--slowly settled, though Bluth proved to be a poor conversation partner. After Tvlakv called a halt at midday, Shallan acquired the key for the cage on Bluth's wagon so that she might use the vehicle as a carriage. With a place to be in private, Shallan examined the contents of Jasnah's trunk and discussed with Pattern the reason for his coming and the need to continue Jasnah's research.{{book ref|sa2|11}}{{book ref|sa2|13}}
* joining Tvlakv
* learning about Stormlight
{{sidequote|You live lies. It gives you strength. But the truth . . . Without speaking truths you will not be able to grow, Shallan. I know this somehow.|Pattern to Shallan{{book ref|sa2|17}}|left|350px}}Several days later, as the group was settling into camp for the evening, Shallan used Pattern to spy on Tvlakv and his other mercenary, [[Tag]]. Unsettled by their plans to hold her hostage in exchange for payment, Shallan approached Tvlakv to reiterate her promised payment and hint that she was aware of his schemes. Punctuating their exchange with an subtle Lightweaving, Shallan turned and headed back towards her carriage as Bluth returned from scouting the area with a call to put out the fire. He reported bandits in the vicinity, prompting the group to pack up their things and travel further through the night. As they continued riding the following day, Shallan began a new sketchbook with drawings of the santhid, local plant life, and Bluth in order to ease her nervousness. The bandits were spotted following, but eventually they found smoke in the distance ahead of them. Shallan pushed Tvalkv into approaching this new caravan, again making use of her Lightweaving abilities, and they set off once more. Shallan soon moved from her seat beside Bluth to the interior of her makeshift carriage for some privacy. She examined her feet, which she had treated with [[knobweed]] sap earlier in the day, to discover they were far more healed than they should be. In speaking with Pattern about her Lightweaving, which she had begun to realize she was unconsciously doing, Shallan learned how to breathe in Stormlight and determined that it was causing her feet to heal. They spoke further about the nature of Shallan's oaths and Pattern's belief that she would eventually kill him.{{book ref|sa2|15}}{{book ref|sa2|17}}
* through the end of the battle?
Shallan emerged from the carriage just as they moved near enough to determine that the caravan ahead was under attack. As they approached while the sun set, they encountered [[Tyn]]--the head of the new caravan's guard--who explained that the bandits who attacked them were still nearby. As this group began to attack again, turned with Bluth to confront the bandits following behind. Finding these men to be deserters from the Shattered Plains, Shallan appealed to their sense of honor and made promises of forgiven debts and pardons. She succeeded in convincing them, again with a Lightweaving to aid her, and these men charged off to join the battle. They proved victorious, but not without cost. Shallan found Bluth dead, clutching the sketch she had drawn of him earlier in the day, among dozens of others. Shallan spoke with the caravan's owner, [[Macob]], and they agreed to accompany one another to the warcamps at the Shattered Plains. Shallan then seized Tvlakv's slaves, claiming them as payment in exchange for saving his life. She purchased his wagons as well, despite his protests which were stifled by Shallan's tentative ownership of her own new band of mercenaries.{{book ref|sa2|20}}{{book ref|sa2|21}}
==== Tyn's Apprentice ====
* aftermath of battle
* learning from Tyn
* encounter with Kaladin
* lait
* arrival at Shattered Plains
* killing Tyn
Shallan easily earned the respect of most of her new mercenaries, including [[Gaz]] and [[Red]], but struggled with the threatening pessimism of the band's leader, [[Vathah]], who was vocal in his doubt that she would keep her promises to them. On the fourth day of travel after the attack, Shallan was invited to dine with Tyn. They ate in private as Tyn revealed her belief that Shallan was actually another woman assuming the identity of "Shallan Davar" in order to pull off a scam. Though Shallan tried to convince Tyn of the truth at first, she eventually relented and invited Tyn to be part of a pretend scheme to blackmail Dalinar Kholin. Tyn took the younger Shallan under her wing and began teaching several skills, including acting and forgery, that would be useful to the girl she believed was a young, inexperienced con artist. Several days later, while the two women were practicing various accents, their caravan encountered four men on horseback. Tyn ordered Macob to halt, deciding that she and Shallan would confront the men alone in order to give Shallan a chance to practice some of the techniques they had spoken of. Prodded by Tyn, Shallan assumed the role of a [[Horneater]] princess as the men, including [[Kaladin]] and some members of [[Bridge Four]], approached. As Kaladin began to question them, Shallan began to tease the captain and ultimately demanded his boots in payment for a feigned offense.{{book ref|sa2|24}}{{book ref|sa2|28}}
[[File:Whelan_Stormlight_Shallan.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Shallan in the Shattered Plains by [[Michael Whelan]]]]
Two days later, just shy of the warcamps, Shallan had the caravan pause for a break as they passed a [[lait]]. She found a quiet place and took time to think and relax as she sketched, despite brief disturbances by Gaz and Vathah. As she moved from drawing the local plant life, Shallan drew two strange images--one of [[Shalash|a woman]] kneeling over a broken statue and one of the crew of the Wind's Pleasure on a rocky beach. Tyn eventually interrupted and Shallan finally revealed that her supposed scheme was to assume the role of Adolin Kholin's betrothed. As she considered everything she would have to balance when arriving at the Shattered Plains--her actual betrothal along with Tyn's plans, all amidst Jasnah's research--she grew anxious but also excited.{{book ref|sa2|30}}
[[File:Shallan shardblade1_full.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Shallan drawing her Shardblade on Tyn--by [[User:Sheep|Sheep]]]]
{{quote|Difficult things. Yes. I believe I told you. I’ve learned that lesson already. Thank you.|Shallan's final words to Tyn{{book ref|sa2|34}}}}
The following day, the caravan finally reached the outskirts of the Alethi warcamps at the Shattered Plains. However, with a highstorm approaching at night and the sun soon setting, Tyn and Shallan decided to spend one last night in camp. As they waited for confirmation from Macob, Tyn revealed that her king, [[Hanavanar]], along with six Veden highprinces had been murdered recently by the [[Assassin in White]], prompting a succession war. She invited Shallan, secretly concerned for her brothers, to attend her later during a meeting with an informant via spanreed so that they could inquire for more information. Shallan later waited out the highstorm in her carriage--throughout which Pattern acted particularly strange and nervous--before joining Tyn. As they met with the informant, Shallan learned that her own family's own highprince, [[Valam]], was preparing to assault Vedenar itself--if he wasn't secretly dead already due to poor health. Frustratingly, this gave her little insight into her brothers' situation. The informant continued with information on the deserters Shallan had recruited. To Shallan's dismay, Tyn insisted that they should turn the men over in exchange for reward. Her resistance prompted a firm lecture from Tyn, which left Shallan distracted by how to handle the situation. A new message soon came with news regarding the presumed death of Jasnah Kholin. As Shallan began to realize that Tyn was involved with the Ghostbloods, additional information came through about Jasnah's ward--Shallan herself. Tyn quickly realized the truth and attacked Shallan. Pattern was able to distract the woman for a short time by using Jasnah's voice, but when she finally approached Shallan with sword drawn, Shallan swiftly summoned Pattern as a Shardblade and pierced her through the chest. A moment latter Shallan's men poured into the room, having been warned by Pattern, to find Shallan with her Shardblade and Tyn dead on the ground. Shallan swore them to silence and set them about searching through Tyn's things. Only then did Shallan notice that the informant had continued writing with a request from the Ghostbloods for a meeting in the warcamps. Seeing an opportunity to discover how much the Ghostbloods knew, Shallan responded affirmatively.{{book ref|sa2|31}}{{book ref|sa2|32}}{{book ref|sa2|34}}
=== The Shattered Plains ({{date/sa|year=1173|month=10}})===
{{quote|Shallan awoke as a new woman. She wasn’t yet completely certain who that woman was, but she knew who that woman was not. She was not the same frightened girl who had suffered the storms of a broken home. She was not the same naive woman who had tried to steal from Jasnah Kholin. She was not the same woman who had been deceived by Kabsal and then Tyn.|Shallan's thoughts the morning she entered the warcamps at the Shattered Plains{{book ref|sa2|36}}}}
[[File:Whelan_Stormlight_Shallan.jpg|400px450px|thumb|right|Shallan in the Shattered Plains by [[Michael Whelan]]]]
==== A New Woman ====
* better title?
* how to break this down? Don't like what I have here, with things in parallel.
* where does research on Stormseat, Lightweaving, etc. fit in?
==== A New Woman ====
* meeting of highprinces
* getting settled
* opening the Oathgate
=== Urithiru ({{date/sa|year=1173|month=10}}-{{date/sa|year=1174|month=1}}) ===
[[File:The Tower.jpg|200px350px|thumb|right|Shallan's surrealist sketch of Urithiru--by [[Isaac Stewart]]]]
==== The Darkness Within ====
The days following her confession proved to be a difficult emotional struggle for Shallan. No longer able to hide from the reality of what she had done, Shallan felt smothered by the weight of her broken past. Though Pattern felt she must blame him for what had happened, Shallan was forced to acknowledge that she was ultimately responsible. Seeking to distract herself by keeping busy, Shallan spent much of her time standing by to operate the Oathgate and drawing--but this only added to her frustration as she found that she was facing an intangible difficulty in drawing Urithiru properly.
Adolin and Shallan build their relationship while in the tower city. Adolin begins to teach her how to use a shardblade. Shallan cannot bring herself to use the blade so she creates a new personality, one she calls Brightness Radiant or just Radiant, to take on while using the shardblade.