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m (sentence structure, tense, etc. not sure about "day after her arrival?")
== Appearance & Personality ==
Danlan is extremely pretty,. sheShe has a graceful figure with a long neck, and her hair has more foreign auburn stripes then black Alethi stripes.{{book ref|twok|58}}
Danlan is an extremely intelligent woman{{book ref|twok|52}} but she has often actedacts less clever then she really is, in an attempt at humility, and is annoyed when Adolin points it out.{{book ref|twok|58}} Danlan's voice has a breathy and husky tone.{{book ref|twok|28}} Danlan is also quite fond of [[avramelon]]s,{{book ref|twok|52}} and enjoys drinking wine, whose color she often coordinates with her outfit.{{book ref|twok|58}}
Danlan is well informed on the politics among the [[highprince]]s, able to avidly discuss [[Torol Sadeas]]'s motivations in his interactions with [[Dalinar Kholin]] and whether or not Dalinar should step down as highprince.{{book ref|twok|58}} She wishes that Dalinar would relax his restriction on his camp following the [[Alethi Codes of War]].
== History ==
Before travelling to the Shattered Plains, Danlan spent three years in Kholinar helping the scribes sort through the mess [[Elhokar]] had made of the royal codes.{{book ref|wor|46}}
Danlan had traveled to the Shattered Plains to spend a few months with her father, Brightlord Morakotha. The next day after her arrival, she was already calling on Adolin. He arrangedarranges for her to become one of his father's clerks, managing his calls via [[spanreed]]s and serving as a scribe. She wasis the clerk who readreads for him when Jasnah called to ask Dalinar about the time he met the [[Parshendi]].{{book ref|twok|28}}
Adolin takes her to an Outer Market wineshop before one of his duels with [[Jakamav]], [[Inkima]], [[Toral]] and [[Eshava]].{{book ref|sa2|58}}
Adolin is quite fond of Danlan and committed to making their relationship last.{{book ref|twok|58}}
Their courtship, unlike Adolin's other romantic relationships, wasis broken off by Adolin due to some inappropriate things Danlan had told her friends. It wasnisn't a good break up, involving Danlan cursing at Adolin. She remainedremains as one of Dalinar's scribes, and whenever the two run into each other she glares at him.{{book ref|wor|14}}
Danlan is not with Graves or Moash during the final assassination attempt{{book ref|sa2|82}}{{book ref|sa2|83}}{{book ref|sa2|84}} or when they flee the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|sa2|87}}