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==Chapter 19==
A half hour has passed. The Librarians continue to search the Archives for anything else useful. The Librarians grab Himalaya, and Folsom tries to intervene, only managing to knock over a table. The table held their possessions, including the fantasy book. It opens up and begins to play music, but of course Folsom can't attack with the Inhibitor's Glass on. Fitzroy reveals that She Who Cannot Be Named has ordered the execution of her former assistant, Himalaya. He holds a knife against her throat and enjoys watching Folsom and the rest of her friends suffer. Alcatraz remembers that he is a Smedry, with the power to marry, and asks Folsom and Himalaya if they love each other. After he declares them married, Himalaya gains Folsom's Talent. With the music playing, she punches Fitzroy in the face, snaps the ropes holding her, and starts taking down the Librarians. Alcatraz kicks the knife over to Bastille, who uses it to free herself and everyone else. Shasta merely watches with confidence, knowing they are still trapped in the Librarian stronghold. Alcatraz figures the only way out is to somehow activate the brightsand to re-swap the rooms, so he grabs some cords connected to it, and they all escape back into the glass archive room. He activates the cord similar to how he activates Lenses or other glass devices. He immediately feels drained like he's run a marathon. They open the door to the stone stairwell, back in Nalhalla.
==Chapter 20==