Difference between revisions of "Summary:Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians"

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(→‎Chapter 6: fleshed out, grammar)
m (→‎Chapter 3: added link for Sands of Rashid)
==Chapter 3==
The person pointing a gun at Alcatraz turns out to be a Librarian in disguise as a foster care caseworker. Right as he's about to shoot Alcatraz, Grandpa Smedry crashes his car (an old [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Model_T Model T Ford]) through a wall of the kitchen, knocking the Librarian out. Grandpa convinces Alcatraz that he could either stay here with the guy with the gun or escape with him. Alcatraz decides to join him and they both retreat from the scene. The car uses [[Silimatic]] technology as the older Smedry doesn't have to use steering wheel to drive it. As they drive away, Grandpa explains to Alcatraz that the [[Sands of Rashid]] are very rare and will produce some powerful lenses that may tip the balance in the war between the Free Kingdoms and the Hushlands.
They are civilization's only hope and must retrieve the sand. Alcatraz doesn't believe him but goes along anyway because someone just tried to kill him. They arrive at a "gas station" fronting their safe house. Grandpa asks Alcatraz what his Talent is, and he is awed by such a powerful Talent. Alcatraz meets [[Sing Sing Smedry]] and receives his first lenses -- the Oculator's Lenses.