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== Plot Summary ==
{{for|/Summary|a chapter-by-chapter summary}}
In this book, the kandra [[Paalm]] attempts to throw the city in revolt to 'take it back' from [[Harmony]]. [[Paalm]] worries many of the main characters, since she was using [[Hemalurgy]] to access [[Feruchemy]] and [[Allomancy]], a feat that seemed to be impossible for kandra. Wax chases [[Paalm]], attempting to stop her kills and actions before they occur. [[Paalm]] impersonated [[Replar Innate|Governor Replar Innate]], in order to better encourage the city to revolt. Paalm manages to take the city to the cusp of killing the governor and overthrowing the government, but [[Claude Aradel|Aradel]], the head constable, manages to take control of the city by arresting Governor Innate. Aradel is named the interim governor, and is then elected to be the actual governor.
Wax finally manages to capture Paalm by shooting her with a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgical]] spike. This allows Harmony to take control of her, but Paalm decides to commit suicide instead. As she is dying, Paalm reveals that she is [[Paalm|Lessie]], Wax's wife that was thought to be dead. Wax is furious at [[Harmony]] for concealing this from him, and refuses to communicate with him at the end of the book. Paalm was working for [[Trell]], an entity that Harmony is unaware of. [[Paalm]] had also managed to make new hemalurgical creatures, another task thought to be impossible.
{{for|/Summary|a chapter-by-chapter summary}}
== Behind the Scenes ==