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'''Apocalypse Guard''' is the name of an unreleased series.
A companion series to [[The Reckoners]] non-cosmere YA trilogy. Planned to follow a parallel dimension to that of the main events in the original trilogy.
AIt is a companion series to [[The Reckoners]] non-cosmere YA trilogy. Planned to follow a parallel dimension to that of the main events in the original trilogy.
Publishing rights have been acquired by Delacorte Press (also the publishers of the Reckoners), and the first book is arranged to be released in the spring of 2018,{{ref|name=guard-tor}} written between Stormlight 3 and 4.{{ref|name=sos15}}
== Notes ==
{{urltor ref|name=guard-tor
|url=http://www.tor.com/2016/03/01/brandon-sanderson-announces-new-apocalypse-guard-book-trilogy/|''Apocalypse Guard'' announcement
|text=''Apocalypse Guard'' announcement
{{url ref|name=sos15
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