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m (tweak)
Renarin shows an inquisitive streak as well, especially in regards to fabrials.{{book ref|twok|52}} On multiple occasions he inspects fabrials around him and asks questions about their functions. Despite this, he is not interested in joining the ardentia to become an engineer.{{book ref|twok|60}} He seems to enjoy being knowledgeable upon specific subjects, and will speak about them if asked, for example, Adolin mentions that Renarin is very well versed in wines. {{book ref|wor|49}}
<gallery caption="Images of Renarin">
Renarin.jpg | by [[User: Fyrebeam]]
Renarin cleaning glasses.jpg | cleaning glasses by [[User: Exmakina]]
Renarin paint portrait.png | by [[User: Exmakina]]
Renarin portrait.jpg | In uniform by [[User: Exmakina]]
== Character Relationships ==