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'''''Dragonsteel''''' refers to an unpublished series set on [[Yolen]] that has been called the prequel to the [[Cosmere]]. It takes place first chronologically and will feature the [[Shattering]],{{qa ref|1094|39|Where in the universe does Dragonsteel take place?|date=2014-9-4}} [[Hoid]]'s backstory,{{qa ref|689|5|When will we hearsee a Hoid's storybook?|date=Nov 8, 2011}} and dragons.{{qa ref|1047|31|We have yet to see a dragon from you|date=2014-3-29}}{{qa ref|1012|20|Briefly mentioned Dragonsteel|date=2009-6-20}} One reason Brandon has not prioritized this series, though, is that he doesn't want readers to feel that they have to read his other books in order to understand what is happening, and he probably won't publish Hoid's story until it becomes relevant.{{qa ref|689|6|Rewriting Dragonsteel|date=Nov 8, 2011}}
While not considered canon, there have been multiple attempts at writing the Dragonsteel story arc. One of the earliest examples is [[Dragonsteel Prime]], which was written as part of Brandon Sanderson's Masters Thesis and has influenced some of his later work, including [[The Way of Kings]]. In 2007 he revisited this series and attempted to reboot it and prepare it for publishing. In the process, he rearranged some of the events and plotted out ''[[The Liar of Partinel]]'' and ''[[The Lightweaver of Rens]]'' as the first two books in the series, with other events happening centuries afterwards. However, his focus shifted when the opportunity came to finish Robert Jordan's [[The Wheel of Time]] Series, which led to Brandon revisiting The Way of Kings instead, which he would publish in 2010.
Brandon has stated that the Dragonsteel Prime draft of this story was not his best work and that it will not appear in the same form when it is published, though some of the ideas will stay the same.{{qa ref|689|5|When will we see a Hoid book?|date=Nov 8, 2011-11-08}} Of his 2007 attempt, Brandon has said that "every chapter was a chore to write."{{qa ref|995|2|Liar may be rewritten as a first-person narrative|date=May 14th, 2013}} He also felt that the characters did not quite work and does not share this book with fans because it will give them a wrong impression of certain characters.{{qa ref|675|17|Challenges writing characters|date=Dec 15th, 2011}}
He plans to rewrite and publish Dragonsteel at some point after the completion of the full [[The Stormlight Archive|Stormlight Archive]] arc has been completed.{{bws ref|another-long-and-rambling-post-on-future-books|Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books|date=2010-10-12}}