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=== The Journey to the Shattered Plains ===
Jasnah and Shallan have taken passage on the ''Wind's Pleasure,'' traveling to the Shattered Plains. Several days into the journey, Shallan spies a santhid - an elusive and ancient dweller of the ocean - moving alongside the ship. She wants to observe the santhid underwater in order to sketch it, but is dissuaded from the dangerous task by Captain Tozbek. Jasnah soon joins her, and detecting her ward's innattention to her reading, explains the nature of Shadesmar and spren to her. Shallan mentions the patterns of lines she has been noticing, and Jasnah details the measures she has taken to help House Davar: sending money to Shallan's brothers, communicating with her mother about the broken Soulcaster, and setting up a causal betrothal with [[Adolin Kholin]]. Finally, Jasnah gives Shallan words of advice on power and how even its illusion can be enough to create authority. Taking these words to heart, Shallan commands the captain to help her go overboard in order to observe the santhid. {{book ref|wor|1}}
One night on the journey, their ship is attacked and Shallan sees Jasnah stabbed in the chest, she smells smoke, using lightweaving she distracts the men attacking and then with a huge amount of stormlight, with the help of pattern she reached into shadesmar and soulcasted the Wind's Pleasure into water to escape.
== Attributes and Abilities ==