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Alcatraz was left to the Hushland's foster care system when he was very young by his [[Attica Smedry|father]], and spent most of his life being passed from home to home, unaware of his lineage or homeland in the Free Kingdoms. Because he has the [[Smedry Talent|Talent of Breaking]], it was difficult for any family to deal with him for long, and he was often kicked out after accidentally breaking something important to his foster parents. Eventually, he develops a fear of being hurt, and subconsciously breaks things so that he is kicked out before he can form strong emotional bonds.
However, on his thirteenth birthday, he receives a bag of sand in the mail, and meets Grandpa Smedry and Bastille. They teach him about his family and life outside of the Hushlands, and accompany him on a number of adventures, including library infiltrations.
== Family ==