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'''Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell''' is a short story about 18,000 words in length{{17s ref|2848|p|59630|text=If Hoid does appear, it's an even more minor cameo than in Alloy of Law}} by [[Brandon Sanderson]] in the Dangerous Women Anthology edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Duzois which was released on December 3, 2013.{{url ref|url=http://grrm.livejournal.com/310198.html|date=Announcement|site=GRRM's announcementblog}}{{tor ref|george-r-r-martin-to-debut-new-song-of-ice-and-fire-novella|Tor Announcement}}
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is a [[cosmere]] story, but it is uncertain whether or not [[Hoid]] will make an appearance. Brandon Sanderson has stated that Hoid does not appear,{{17s ref|2422|p|44676|text=Hal-Con Report}} but his assistant, [[Peter Ahlstrom]], believes that he does.{{17s ref|2848|p|48152|text=I know Brandon said that but I read it again this week and I am not convinced.}} If Hoid does make an appearance, it will be even briefer than his cameo in [[The Alloy of Law]].{{17s ref|2848|p|59630}} The story takes place on a relatively unimportant [[Shardworld]] known as [[Threnody]].{{17s ref|2422|p|44676}}