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(Some basic summaries for part 1 done)
(Chapters 11 and 12)
;Plot Summary
Riding after Ulric and Quinn, John searches through the pages of the handbook looking for information about what year he was currently in. Ealstan believes they will catch up to them when they sleep, but John dissuades him this notion, explaining how they don't need sleep like Ealstan and Safawynn as they have stolen some powers of aelefs. Sefawynn does not believe John fully about not needing sleep, believing it to be a trick like what he did with changing the color of his arms. John keeps studying the pages and remembering his past, finding out he is in another dimension. He prods his companions for information about this dimension subtly, and sees similarities with his dimensions Norse mythology. He further finds out he is in something like The Norman Era, post Anglo-Saxon somewhere around five hundred, to one thousand AD. With this knowledge of roughly when he is in time, John tries to think of ways to impress his allies with his advanced knowledge and abilities, but fails until Sefawynn discovers his ability to draw in perspective.
=== Chapter 12 ===
;Plot Summary
Sefawynn gets Ealstan to look at John's drawings and he is just as impressed, though worried this gives John power over his soul. Ealstan is relieved to learn it doesn't, but struggles to understand the level of skill the other 'gods' must have if John's drawings are not that good. Taking a break from their hunt, John provides information about the people they are hunting to Ealstan while Sefawynn goes and bathes, explaining that they are tough to kill and have guns which are similar to slings, but more powerful. John asks how far to Wellbury, and is surprised to learn how close the towns are from each other, being only a day or so apart. Ealstan explains about the Hordamen, a people that raid the land from the sea. They compare the differences in their lands in regards to criminals, before Sefawynn returns, finding the leather strips and berries that she had left behind before her bathing, bound and gone alike. Overhearing horns from a distance, John and the others go to a nearby cliff to see three ships approaching to the dread of his companions.
=== Chapter 13 ===