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m (fixed a broken ref I made)
At some point after her release from the Rose Empire, she became a member of the Ghostbloods and worked on Scadrial in order to resist the oncoming threat of [[Trell (Trellism) | Trell]], working under the codename of Moonlight.
Six years after the first interaction between the Elendel Basin and the Southern Scadrians, she found Marasi in a series of underground caverns, crashing a [[The Set | Set]] smuggling operation. She secretly gave her a letter, informing her that the Ghostbloods are watching her, and are impressed by her accomplishments.{{book ref|mb7|15}}
Several days later, she met with Marasi, acting as her driver for a sting operation on the smuggling operation in [[Bilming]]. Introducing herself as a member of the Ghostbloods and explained to her the nature of Trell and [[Autonomy]].{{book ref|mb7|20}}