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(Deleted Soulburner, it was made into Moonbreaker, and has a story (the audio drama) being written for it already by Dan Wells. It is safe to assume it is no longer a "potential" or even forthcoming work.)
m (fixed wrong reference)
: A space opera novella inspired by Fermi's Paradox.{{sots ref|2016}}
; ''I Hate Dragons''
: There's a short story of the same name available for free on Brandon's website{{ref|name=ihatedragonsshort}}, as well as 4 chapters of a more fleshed out version{{ref|name=ihatedragonsext}}. A full outline has been created, but the book itself hasn't been written.{{wob ref|1547214388}}
; Non-cosmere picture books
: Brandon is currently shopping a non-cosmere picture book. He would prefer to gain some experience in this area before publishing a cosmere picture book.{{sots ref|2020}}