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m (→‎Chapter 15: adding named characters)
(character lists and summary revision through the rest of the book)
== Chapter 16 ==
At the train station, Wayne in an old woman's disguise tricks a guard into revealing information about the [[Breaknaught]]. When the guard grows suspicious at the questions Wayne makes a break for it, firing a shot into the air to instigate panic amongst the crowd. Out of sight of the pursuing guards, Wayne changes his disguise in a speed bubble and confronts the guards, sounding like a member of the Tekiel family.
* [[Wayne]] (point of view)
* [[Waxillium Ladrian]]
* [[Evenstrom Tekiel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Marasi Colms]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Another quick change sees him in Tekiel guard uniform and he reports for duty with Wax as the "extra help" Lord Tekiel sent. A series of gunshots are the perfect distraction for getting Wax inside the Breaknaught. Faking a gunshot wound Wax is thrown into the Breaknaught by Wayne as the nearest place of safety for the "wounded" guard. Wayne then quickly shuts the door, the timer mechanism locking it and the train sets off with Wax still inside.
At the train station, Wayne in an old woman's disguise tricks a guard into revealing information about the [[Breaknaught]]. When the guard grows suspicious at the questions, Wayne makes a break for it, firing a shot into the air to instigate panic among the crowd. Out of sight of the pursuing guards, Wayne changes his disguise in a speed bubble and then confronts the guards, sounding like a member of the Tekiel family. Another quick change sees him in a Tekiel guard uniform, and he reports for duty with Wax as the "extra help" Lord Tekiel had sent. A series of gunshots are the perfect distraction for getting Wax inside the Breaknaught. Faking a gunshot wound when Marasi begins shooting, Wax is thrown into the Breaknaught by Wayne as the nearest place of safety for the "wounded" guard. Wayne then quickly shuts the door, the timer mechanism locking it, and the train sets off with Wax still inside. The captain importantly announces that they have repelled an attack by the Vanishers, and Wayne slips away.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-sixteen/|Chapter 16 Annotation]]
== Chapter 17 ==
Watching the train from afar, Wayne and Marasi observe how the Vanishers pulled off their robberies. The "phantom" train the Vanishers use turns out to be nothing more than a hand-propelled rail wagon behind a wooden engine façade. It consists of a powerful lamp that Marasi speculates must be powered by a chemical battery. The train carrying the Breaknaught stops to allow Tekiel guards to confront the Vanishers when the bandits open fire with a rotary gun. A boat on the canal containing a strong crane lifts the Breaknaught away from the train, depositing it on the deck and then replacing it with a replica.
* [[Waxillium Ladrian]] (point of view)
* [[Marasi Colms]] (point of view)
* [[Miles Dagouter]] (point of view)
* [[Wayne]]
* [[Tarson]]
* [[Push]]
* [[Pull]]
* [[Clamps]]
* [[Harmony]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ranette]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mister Suit]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Having taken off his disguise and unpacked the paraphernalia within it, Wax fingers Vindication as he rides in the railcar. The train slows.
Watching the train from afar, Wayne and Marasi observe how the Vanishers have pulled off their robberies. The "phantom" train the Vanishers use turns out to be nothing more than a hand-propelled rail wagon behind a wooden engine façade. It consists of a powerful lamp that Marasi speculates must be powered by a chemical battery. The train carrying the Breaknaught stops to allow Tekiel guards to confront the Vanishers, but the bandits open fire with a rotary gun. A boat on the canal containing a strong crane lifts the Breaknaught away from the train, depositing it on the deck and then replacing it with a replica.
Miles knows Wax is inside the Breaknaught, more through logical deduction as a lawkeeper than actual knowledge. Taking it back to his workshop, Miles orders his men to open fire on anyone inside the moment they get it open. The door is yanked off but nothing moves inside the safe. As Miles and his crew wait he notices a length of string extending from the train car to the door they'd just pulled off, ending at the dynamite taped to the back of it.
Miles knows Wax is inside the Breaknaught, more through logical deduction as a lawkeeper than actual knowledge. Taking it back to his workshop, Miles orders his men to open fire on the person inside the moment they get it open. The door is yanked off, but nothing moves inside the safe. As Miles and his crew wait, he notices a length of string extending from the train car to the door they'd just pulled off, ending at some dynamite taped to the back of it. Wax pulls the string tight.
Wax pulls the string tight.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-seventeen/|Chapter 17 Annotation]]
== Chapter 18 ==
Following the blast, Wax emerges from the Breaknaught. He notices Miles, recovered from the blast. Using a maze of boxes Wax evades the rest of the Vanishers, coming face-to-face with Tarson. The Pewterarm knocks Vindication from his hand. The roof explodes, gunfire halting Tarson's advance and Wayne drops through the hole in the roof.
* [[Waxillium Ladrian]] (point of view)
* [[Wayne]] (point of view)
* [[Marasi Colms]] (point of view)
* [[Miles Dagouter]]
* [[Tarson]]
* [[Push]]
* [[Pull]]
* [[Harmony]]
* [[Steris Harms]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Throwing up a speed bubble Wayne notices the [[Steel|Coinshot]] minion of Mister Suit's, gun aimed at Wax's head. Thanking Wayne for saving him, Wax leaps for Vindication as Wayne surprises Tarson, intending to take on the Pewterarm alone. The Coinshot-thug Pushes Vindication over Wax's head who Pushes it up through the hole in the roof. He follows it up and retrieves it. The Coinshot and now the [[Iron|Lurcher]] pursue him. The two enemy metalborn give Wax a tough time until Marasi is able to kill the Lurcher with a rifle. The Coinshot opens fire on the two, forcing Wax to Push Marasi and himself back into the warehouse.
Wax rushes in to assist Wayne who has been delaying the Vanishers. Wax sees Miles near the train car and dashes for its interior where he springs a trap on Miles following him in. Caught in fishing nets Miles blows himself up to escape, the explosion narrowly missing Wax who had Pushed himself out of the train car. Miles approaches an injured Wax but Wax escapes.
Following the blast, Wax emerges from the Breaknaught and sees Miles. Using a maze of boxes, Wax evades the rest of the Vanishers, coming face-to-face with Tarson. The Pewterarm knocks Vindication from his hand. The roof explodes, gunfire halting Tarson's advance, and Wayne drops through the hole in the roof. Throwing up a speed bubble, Wayne notices the [[Steel|Coinshot]] minion of Mister Suit's, [[Push]], with a gun aimed at Wax's head. Thanking Wayne for saving him, Wax leaps for Vindication as Wayne surprises Tarson, intending to take on the Pewterarm alone. Push launches Vindication over Wax's head, but Wax Pushes it up through the hole in the roof. He follows it up and retrieves it. Mister Suit's [[Iron|Lurcher]], [[Pull]], joins Push in pursuit. The two enemy metalborn give Wax a tough time until Marasi is able to kill Pull with a rifle. Push opens fire on the two, forcing them back into the warehouse. Wax rushes in to assist Wayne, who has been delaying the Vanishers. Miles appears near the train car, and Wax dashes for its interior, where he springs a trap on Miles. Caught in fishing nets, Miles blows himself up to escape. The explosion narrowly misses Wax, who had frantically Pushed himself out of the train car. Miles approaches an injured Wax, but Wax escapes.
Seeing Wax hurtling towards the boxes, Wayne makes his way towards his friend, throwing up speed bubbles to put off the bandits. Almost as he reaches Wax a bullet takes his arm and another coming close when he throws up a speed bubble gets deflected. Seeing the Coinshot with Marasi's rifle he makes a decision to find Marasi, reasoning that it's what Wax would want.
The mists flood into the hole in the roof. Wax has a weird conversation with Harmony who suggests he's helped out Wax. Wax then notices his own trunk - the one Tillaume had stored his guns in - right in front of him.
| You're welcome
| Harmony
Seeing Wax hurtling towards the boxes, Wayne makes his way towards his friend, throwing up speed bubbles to put off the bandits. Almost as he reaches Wax, a bullet takes his arm and another gets deflected when he throws up a speed bubble. Seeing the Coinshot with Marasi's rifle, he makes a decision to find Marasi.
Marasi had hidden behind the train car, stashing the rifle when the Coinshot came after her. She notices Miles outside a tunnel and tries to overhear his conversation with the Coinshot. Wax appears from the mists, wearing mistcloak, a pair of revolvers, a shotgun rested on each shoulder, and a smile. Without a word he blasts Miles in the side with both shotguns.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-eighteen/|Chapter 18 Annotation]]
The mists flood in through the hole in the roof. Wax has a conversation with Harmony, who tells him that he did do something about the Vanishers situation: he had sent Wax. He also suggests that he has helped Wax. Wax then notices his own trunk--the one Tillaume had stored his guns in--right in front of him.
== Chapter 19 ==
Miles runs away, shouting back about his men going to kill Steris. Wax uses the Hazekiller round on the Coinshot, Pushing on it so the Coinshot does the same. The ceramic portion of the bullet takes the Coinshot right in the eye.
Pursuing the Vanishers, Wax rescues [[Nouxil]], a gunsmith, and Steris. Wax crushes the building with his Twinborn abilities and lets Steris escape. Tarson takes Marasi hostage and Wax shouts for one of Wayne's speed bubbles. Through an ingenious display of marksmanship, Wax kills Tarson from inside the speed bubble and Wayne injures Miles long enough to escape.
Marasi had hidden behind the train car, stashing the rifle when Push came after her. She notices Miles outside a tunnel and listens to his conversation with Push. Miles, aware of Marasi's presence, points a gun at her and orders her to call for Wax. Before she can bring herself to move, however, Wax appears from the mists wearing a [[mistcoat]], a pair of revolvers, a shotgun resting on each shoulder, and a smile. Without a word, he blasts Miles in the side with both shotguns.
Miles beats Wax up but this is just a diversion to keep Miles occupied while Marasi is burning [[cadmium]]. The world outside Marasi's bubble is greatly accelerated giving Wayne enough time to mobilize the constabulary. They arrive just as Miles notices the speed bubble and arrest him.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-eighteen/|Chapter 18 Annotation]]
| You forgot the first rule of the Roughs. The more alone you are, the more important it is to have someone you can rely upon.
== Chapter 19 ==
| Waxillium
* [[Waxillium Ladrian]] (point of view)
* [[Miles Dagouter]]
* [[Push]]
* [[Marasi Colms]]
* [[Wayne]]
* [[Steris Harms]]
* [[Nouxil]]
* [[Tarson]]
* [[Ranette]] (mentioned only)
* [[Harmony]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lessie]] (mentioned only)
* [[Peterus]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mister Suit]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
== Chapter 20 ==
Wax compliments Marasi on her courage and turns her down when she seems to suggest her feelings for him, though he does feel slightly regretful.
Miles runs away, shouting back about his men going to kill Steris. Wax uses the Hazekiller round on Push. When the Coinshot tries to Push the bullet back at Wax, the ceramic portion of the bullet takes him right in the eye. Pursuing the Vanishers, Wax rescues Steris and [[Nouxil]], sending the latter out the window into the canal. He crushes the building and lets Steris escape. Tarson takes Marasi hostage, and Wax shouts for one of Wayne's speed bubbles. Wax shoots a bullet, which is deflected when it exits the bubble. Studying its trajectory, Wax fires a second bullet just as Wayne drops the bubble and deflects the first one once again, nailing Tarson in the head. Wayne injures Miles long enough to escape. Miles beats Wax up, but Wax endures it in order to keep Miles occupied while Marasi is burning [[cadmium]]. The world outside Marasi's bubble is greatly accelerated, giving Wayne enough time to mobilize the constabulary. They arrive just as Miles notices the speed bubble and arrest him.
Brettin gives Wax a citywide deputized forbearance, surprising Wax at his odd reaction. Steris shows her vulnerability, expressing her flaws and acceptance for Wax's personality. Wax intends to take up Brettin's offer to which she replies that every man must have his hobbies.
== Chapter 20 ==
| Every gentleman needs a hobby, and considering the self-indulgence of some men I've known, this wouldn't be problematic by comparison.
| Steris
* [[Waxillium Ladrian]] (point of view)
* [[Reddi]]
* [[Marasi Colms]]
* [[Brettin]]
* [[Wayne]]
* [[Steris Harms]]
* [[Miles Dagouter]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lessie]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ranette]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nouxil]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Wax compliments Marasi on her courage and turns her down when she seems to suggest her feelings for him, though he does feel slightly regretful. Brettin gives Wax a citywide deputized forbearance, surprising Wax at this uncharacteristic reaction. Steris shows her vulnerability, expressing her flaws and her acceptance of Wax's personality. Wax tells her he intends to take up Brettin's offer, to which she replies that every man must have his hobbies. They decide to go ahead with the engagement.
== Epilogue ==
Marasi watches Miles' execution. Wax sees his dead uncle, Mister Suit, aka Lord [[Edwarn Ladrian]] but Edwarn doesn't reveal his plans or the locations of the other kidnapped women. Marasi receives a book for Wax from [[Ironeyes]].
* [[Marasi Colms]] (point of view)
* [[Waxillium Ladrian]] (point of view)
* [[Miles Dagouter]]
* [[Edwarn Ladrian]]
* [[Marsh]]
* [[Wayne]]
* [[Daius]] (mentioned only)
* [[Telsin Ladrian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tillaume]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hinston Ladrian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Peterus]] (mentioned only)
* [[Edgard Ladrian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Harmony]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Marasi watches Miles being bound before his execution.
Wax meets with his uncle [[Edwarn Ladrian|Edwarn]], having figured out that he was Mister Suit and tracked him to a particular train via the numbers on Miles' cigar case Wayne had found earlier. Edwarn doesn't reveal his plans or the locations of the other kidnapped women, but he thanks Wax for helping his plan by defeating Miles. Wax realizes that Edwarn has committed insurance fraud by buying out House Tekiel's debts, knowing that the stolen goods would be returned.
Miles finally dies after the fifth volley of bullets. Marasi observes a man in a cloak enter an alley below.
Wax declares that he will stop his uncle, who remains unruffled when Wax goes for a weapon. After Wax threatens him again, Edwarn orders him thrown from the back of the train.
Filled with a desire to see the mysterious man, Marasi follows him into the alley. She meets [[Ironeyes]], who apologizes for Pulling on her emotions and gives her a book for Wax.
Wax returns to the train station and meets Wayne. They settle a bet regarding Mister Suit's identity, and Wax promises to be around from then on when Wayne needs him. Wayne agrees to helping Wax resolve the mess with Edwarn, and Wax shows him his uncle's appointment book, which he stole with a table sweep before getting thrown off the train.
== Ars Arcanum ==