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Adolin went on to greet Notum, and discovered the honorspren had punished and exiled him for the help he had rendered the Radiants in their earlier voyage. When Adolin told him of his mission, Notum was shocked and tried to discourage him as he deemed it a futile effort. Notum explained you didn't normalize relations with a thief, and the humans had stolen Syl. Adolin countered it was her free choice, and if they cared so much about her they should perhaps have listened to her. Maya reacted to this with a growl. While he looked at Maya, Notum predicted that the envoy would be turned away instantly when reaching Lasting Integrity because of what humans did to the spren. The highprince countered that they had done nothing to them and it was thousands of years ago, to which Notum remarked that was not even a lifetime for many spren. Notum asked Adolin if they had managed to save the bondsmith. He couldn't lie and so admitted it was the bondsmith who had saved them.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
{{image|Starspren Connor Chamberlain.jpg|side=rightleft|width=300px|watching the [[starspren]] with [[Shallan]]}}
==== Caravanning to Lasting Integrity ====
Several weeks onto the road, Adolin and Zu looked back from an outcropping towards the Tukari caravan that had been following them at a distance of a few hours. The followers had not turned away at the last crossroads, to Adolin's frustration. Zu suggested to attack them using their last stormlight as it was running out anyway, but Adolin did not like that. At the same time, Notum's patrol was a bit ahead of Adolin's group. Back at the camp he inspected the breaking up, and set the caravan moving before going to Shallan. He told Veil about his worries that the honorspren would not even receive them or take their letters. They and Radiant discussed various alternatives, each worse than the last. He feared the arguments from the letters were the ones the honorspren were expecting and prepared for. He then realized they had had thousands of years and so must be prepared for any argument he could possibly make. He asked for Shallan, but Radiant said she needed rest. When Adolin said he has been worried about Shallan for some time now, Radiant told him something was going on with her. Veil explained some of the coping mechanisms of Shallan and that his wive worried Adolin would leave her if he'd found out about her secrets. The highprince was insistent he didn't care what Shallan had done and he was there for her.{{book ref|sa4|32}}
{{image|Starspren Connor Chamberlain.jpg|side=right|width=300px|watching the [[starspren]] with [[Shallan]]}}
Later around a campfire, Adolin, the Radiants, and their spren discussed the plans for approaching the honorspren. The Stump disliked them all, though she and her spren agreed the letters would do little good. She added they couldn't guilt the spren into agreeing, to which Godeke concurred. Adolin decided to work on the ideas some more, and Arshqqam suggested to consider appealing to their honor. After they had breakfast Adolin asked the Three out for a walk, as they had hardly spent any time together. Just out of camp, Notum met them on his mount and bade them farewell as he could not approach Lasting Integrity any closer. While they continued, Adolin asked Veil if she had any luck bringing Shallan out, but she hadn't. They walked onwards, and Adolin noticed Shallan in there. He expressed his worries and that he would never leave her. When Shallan said she was weak, he countered that she was strong enough to save her brothers. At the end of a ridge they reached a beautiful view and Shallan noticed a [[starspren]] above. This brought out Shallan who needed to sketch it. They then talked about their relationship and love for each other. It led to Adolin telling an embarrassing anecdote from one of his first girlfriends who wanted to see him wield his sword. They ended their conversation with Dalinar, and how Adolin struggled with his father's expectations of him.{{book ref|sa4|34}}
{{image|Adolin fighting with Maya by Egilde Art.jpeg|side=right|height=300px|Fighting the [[Tukar]]i with [[Maya]]}}
When they returned to the caravan, Adolin sought out Gallant and commented how nice it must be not to worry about politics or relations. [[Malli]] brought Maya over and Adolin helped her on the Ryshadium. They started marching and he mulled over his problems, but got nowhere. Just after midday, Felt came to tell him the Tukari had stopped following and turned southwards. They looked with spyglasses from a rise and when Adolin was returning to the front of the caravan he suddenly realized the Tukari hadn't been following the envoy but had been following Notum all this time. He ran back to the outcropping, had another look, and ordered the others to follow him as fast as they could. The highprince started running towards the Tukari. Soon Gallant came galloping after him, and he jumped into the saddle as soon as he was able to.{{book ref|sa4|35}}
|Never underestimate the worth of being willing to hold. Your. GROUND.
|Adolin's thought during the fight to defend Notum.{{book ref|sa4|35}}