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m ((point of view) and (mentioned only) are standardized not to be capitalized; also, american english - sorry :))
(Chapter 3 draft)
*[[Red Okongo]] (mentioned only)
Feotora kneels before King Gosovic, declaring that the Dark One has risen. Illarion wants to immediately set out to face the Dark One, but Gosovic wants to wait and let the Narrative unfold. An argument occurs but Gosovic refuses to change his mind.
Paul travels through the [[Blackened Lands]], with a group of drull following despite Paul's protests. One gives their name as Rastik and explains how the Dark One rules the drull and is enemy to the light. The Narrative is explained as the bedrock upon which the world is build. Rastik explains how the Narrative is inescapable, and how Paul is effectively a dread tyrant. The dark city where Paul's castle is located is explained to contain secrets about the Dark One, so Paul directs Rastik to guide him there.
The city once carried a dark purpose, the drull rose and build [[Ironkeeper]]s, automatons filled with the Dark One's power that were more powerful than drull. The [[Dark Keep]] was built to protect sacred drull places and remember previous leaders. Despite the greatest efforts of previous Dark One Malmahan, the drull still lost against the light and the city fell into disrepair as the drull learnt to acknowledge the truth that the Narrative did not care about them.
Paul is urged to drink from the well contained within the Dark Keep but Paul is hesitant to, being fearful of what is to come. After Rastik leaves Paul alone in the keep, Nikka urges Paul to drink from the well to gain knowledge and understanding of the truth. Being close to the well allows Nikka to show Paul things, and at his permission, she grabs his head and shows him.
Mr Caligo's trial is starting back on Earth, and after some formalities the defense led by Lin Yang-Tanasin gives the non-negotiable deal that her client will plead guilty to the fifteen murders, plus an additional thirteen murders for the sole request of the death penalty. The Judge is not amused and takes Lin back to her chambers to discuss this deal. The Judge refuses to apply the death penalty as a sentence despite Lin's arguments.
Feotora views Kraisis training and insists on a fight to vent her frustrations, Kraisis accepts. A fight ensues, with Feotora being hit a few times before getting a good strike against Kraisis which is immediately returned. Illarion interrupts before Kraisis can do too much more to Feotora, and Illarion shows Feotora to his chambers. Illarion starts to explain how he came from Earth through a door, and that all Destined and Dark Ones have come from Earth. Illarion claims Earth has stolen the Narrative from Mirandus, and that King Gosovic refuses to accept Illarion's explanations. Illarion claims now that Earth has stolen the Narrative, the people of the light need to force it to change, that he must be the last Destined One, and it needs a true leader to lead them.
Late at night, a dark figure sneaks into King Gosovic's chambers and draws a knife, the doors are closed quietly. The following day, Illarion announces the King's death, and crowns Feotora the Queen. Feotora organizes a plan of attack against Paul and the drull, and leads Kraisis and an army of troops to the Dark City.
In the courtroom, the Judge denies the defendant's request as the State of [[New York]] does not accept the death penalty as a punishment. Mr Caligo, disappointed in the decision and Lin's efforts on his behalf, uses his powers to seize control of everyone except Lin in the courtroom. Mr Caligo explains it is the hatred of him that allows him to do so, and he demands Lin take a gun off a security guard, threatening and killing several people until she does.
Outside the Dark Keep, Rastik leads a prayer for Paul as the Dark One rises. Inside, Nikka shows Paul them as children together, their father appearing and disappearing all the time. After Paul and Nikka's fathers death, Paul and Nikka sneak into their fathers office. Here they find a doorway to Mirandus and go through. Running around they just miss a mounted soldier's calls about mines, and Nikka steps on one. With no time to act, Paul uses his abilities to kill and then bind Nikka's soul to the necklace she had been wearing. After learning he had killed Nikka, Paul drinks from the well red light flashes in the sky announcing to the world the well has been drunk.
{{anchor|Intermission 3}}