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At Gavilar's holy interment, he was lauded by the presiding ardent. His body was Soulcast into a stone sculpture. At the interment, the Alethi highprinces swore the [[Vengeance Pact]] and would go on to fight the [[War of Reckoning]] to avenge his death.{{book ref|sa3|105}}
A number of works about Gavilar's life exist, including "Gavilar's Account",{{book ref|sa1|36}}, dictated by Gavilar to Jasnah a year before his murder; "Matain's account";{{book ref|sa1|45}} and "King Gavilar Kholin, A Biography" by Navani.{{book ref|sa1|45}} Navani's biography crafted Gavilar a selective legacy, leaving out his abusive, dismissive treatment of her and his family so only she would have to bear the burden of who he really was.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
== Relationships ==