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;Plot Summary
Two security guards grab Rinakin, and bring him into the hold of Quilan’s ship. She tries to hyperjump to Rinakin to rescue him, but finds that she can’t. She realizes that they have a cytonic inhibitor onboard, and sees two Superiority [[dione|diones]]. This means that Unity is already cooperating directly with the Superiority. Alanik is still in her ship, and prepares to escape. She overhears a cytonic communication from Council, saying that Unity is going to turn her and Rinakin over to the Superiority. She tries to fire her thrusters, but finds that Quilan has latched on to her ship with a light hook. Quilan tries to hit her with a concussion bolt, but Alanik ducks. She reaches out to the coordinates of the Independence base on Hollow, and hyperjumps there. She sees several Unity pilots, realizing that they have already taken the base. She tries to reach out to the Unity ship she sees, but it has a Superiority inhibitor on it as well.
Alanik reaches out through the nowhere to Jorgen, and he responds. She asks him for the cytonic key to their inhibitor so that she can hyperjump to Detritus. He doesn’t know how to give it to her, and she tells him to think about allowing her to come there. Their minds connect, and Alanik finds the cytonic key. She forms the coordinates in her mind and hyperjumps to Detritus.