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;Plot Summary
Skyward flight hides behind a cluster of space rock, and Cobb’s orders say that they’ll have to use the slugs to hyperjump inside the shield. The slugs need time to calm down, so theyFM and the rest of Skyward Flight have to wait a while. FM recommends that they pet the slugs to make them happier, and FMshe feeds some of them caviar. Jorgen tells FM that he got some sort of Cytoniccytonic communication from Spensa during the battle, and he saw her in the reflection of his dash. FM and Rig sit in the cockpit together, listening to music and being cuddled by several taynix. FM hints to Rig that she likes him, and they hold hands. Four more ships arrive to teleport inside the shield with them, and they all line up and touch wings. Once everyone is ready, Jorgen teleports them.
FM and Rig sit in the cockpit together, listening to music and being cuddled by several taynix. FM tells Rig that she likes him, and they hold hands as they enjoy the music. Four more ships arrive to teleport inside the shield with them, and they all line up and touch wings. Once everyone is ready, Jorgen teleports them.
=== Chapter 13 ===