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;Plot Summary
FM, Rig, and Jorgen sit in the engineering bay, with Fine, discussing the FTL communication box. Through process of elimination, they guess that the purple and orange slugstaynix are used for FTL communication. They discuss how to make it work, and Rig suggests that maybe they use a holographic projector to project an image onto the inside of the box. Jorgen details what he had been thinking about when Boomslug exploded, and they theorize that maybe thinking about the eyesdelvers in the nowhere scares the taynix into actingaction. To test itthe theory, Jorgen picks up Gill and thinks about the delvers, and Gill teleports away but leaves Jorgen standing there. They try it using theRig’s box, but Gill doesn’t teleport. They try it with Happy instead, with Jorgen holding the box withand Happy inside. Both Jorgen and Happy disappear, and jorgenthey appearsteleport squeezed ininto a cubby on the other side of the room. Jorgen is squeezed into the tight space, and is annoyed when the others find it funny. Jorgen decides that despite the difficulties, they should try it out with a ship.
=== Chapter 9 ===
