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=== Chapter 17 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
*[[Jennie-May Barker]]
*[[Pardeep Bryant]]
Holly arrives at the forest, and is shocked to find it packed with people. She had thought it to be nearly empty when she had been there, but the theming there shows people being by themselves. She is horrified at how much her and Jonathan been deceived, and she vomits. Holly sees two of her friends talking to each other, but they can’t see her. She realizes that even if she succeeds and takes her original’s place, she can never go back to normal. She wonders if her original turned off her theming and saw all the deception, then somehow snapped. Realizing that her original isn’t here, Holly leaves the forest.
=== Chapter 18 ===
=== Chapter 18 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
Holly sits on a maglev, riding back to town. Skyler calls her, telling her that he found a hotel where her original had registered using a fake name. He tells her that she wasn’t there, but that she left a voice recorder with a biolock on it, as well as a pair of dice that matches Holly’s. Skyler tells her that she needs to come in to unlock the recorder.
=== Chapter 19 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
*[[Holly Winseed (Original)
Holly enters the government building where Skyler works, which is made to look like an old noir film. Skyler greets her, wearing a real suit. He tells her that he doesn’t use theming, since a lot of criminals use theming to hide. He leads her into an interrogation room, and they sit down at the table. He hands her an evidence bag with the recorder in it. She unlocks it, and reluctantly plays it.
Her original apologizes for putting her in this situation. Her original tells her not to trust the government, and that she badly wants to meet with her. Her original tells her that Jonathan’s death must be hurting, and Holly furiously turns off the recorder and doesn’t want to hear the rest of it. She asks if originals usually leave clues, and he says that they do it when they feel guilty about what they’ve done. Skyler tells Holly that he is a PR, along with many other government agents. She asks about her violent tendencies, and he tells her that they didn’t edit her personality at all. Holly resumes the recording, and her original tells her to leave a message at the marketplace. She decides that she needs to go into the checkout slums to confront ICON.
=== Chapter 20 ===