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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
Prior to her Ascension, Koravellium was a [[dragon (cosmere)|dragon]];{{wob ref|14564}} however, she seems to prefer human form when interacting with others as a Shard. When speaking with people, she typically takes on the appearance of a dark-skinned woman with a matronly build, a round face and a full head of black, tightly-curling hair. She typically wears a sweeping brown dress that seems to meld into the undergrowth, and has a voice described as sounding like tumbling stones.{{book ref|sa3|114}}{{book ref|sa4|114}}
Koravellium is calculating and cautious, preferring to set things up from the the background than taking action directly, likely thanks to having front-row view of what happens to Shards that do fight [[Odium]] head-on.{{book ref|sa3|114}} She is deeply private and secretive, retreating from people and hiding her plans and thoughts from them. This leads to manysome thinking that she has given up on humanity at large, while in reality she is hiding and planning.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}{{wob ref|8669}} When she does interact with people, she is rather curt and self-assured, leaving no room for discussion or doubts, though she can be considerate when need be.{{book ref|sa3|114}} She can, however, be kind, and isn't opposed to teaching other Shards how to use their powers. It seems this can be used to fool her, though at the moment, it's unclear how deeply her schemes run.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
She can, however, be kind. She cared deeply for Tanavast, and mourned his passing.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} She isn't opposed to teaching other Shards how to use their powers, either. It seems this can be used to fool her, though at the moment, it's unclear how deeply her schemes run.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
Koravellium was once capable of transforming between shapes of various species, including those of a human and a giant, scaled beast.{{wob ref|14564}} Being a dragon, she would also be unaging and capable of flight.{{book ref|sa4|80}} While presently she can appear as she wishes, her draconic shape is still the "truest" one.{{book ref|sa4|114}} Nonetheless, despite being [[Roshar]]'s only dragon, she prefers to hide this aspect of her nature.{{book ref|sa4|80}}
As a [[Shard]], she is one of the most powerful entities in the [[cosmere]], capable of altering the souls through [[Old Magic]] and manipulating people's memories. She is capable of creating powerful [[spren]] and granting them abilities similar to her own, herthough greatestthe only such creation beingknown to exist is the [[Nightwatcher]].{{book ref|sa3|114}} As most Shards, sheKoravellium is additionally gifted with potent future sight. While it's better than [[Honor]]'s, it's unclear how itshe compares to Shards like [[Endowment]] or [[Preservation]].{{book ref|sa1|75}}
== History ==
She publicly withdrew from the matters of [[spren]] and [[Roshar]] after his death, leading some [[Cultivationspren]] to believe she has wholly given up on humanity.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} As the [[Stormfather]] is, in some ways, Tanavast's [[Cognitive Shadow]], he reminds her heavily of him, and she feels about him much the same way as she did about [[Honor]].{{wob ref|6436}}
Back when he created the visions, Tanavast highly respected Koravellium's ability to predict the future, calling it far superior to his own.{{book ref|sa1|75}} Presently, Stormfather feels much the same about her as Honor used to.{{wob ref|2767}} It's unknown how often the two interacted since Honor's [[splintering]], if at all.
=== Taravangian ===
Koravellium engineers [[Taravangian]]'s ascent to [[Odium]], giving him histhe boon that alters his intelligence and empathy to prepare him for bearing the power. She hopes that he could carry it more honorably than [[Rayse]], thus putting reins on what she considers to be the most dangerous of the sixteen powers. After Taravangian becomes Odium, she introduces herself to him and offers to teach him how to use his newfound abilities.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
Cultivation claims that she didn't have the full control over her boon to Taravangian, and that she could only hope that he would become the kind of personsomeone who would notwouldn't pose a danger to the whole worldcosmere asonce he OdiumAscended. In this, she appears to have failed, as Taravangian begins to plot a cosmere-widecampaign of conquest almost immediately,. andHe intends to use her and her generosity to further his own plans.{{book ref|sa4|114}} At the present, it's difficult to tell whether he truly is outwitting her, or if she's aware of what he's doing.
{{image|Nightwatcher's Boon by Artem Demura.jpg|side=right|width=200px|Koravellium and the [[Nightwatcher]]}}
For reasons unknown, [[Hoid]] and Koravellium are on poor terms.{{book ref|sa2|55}} He does not seem to think badly of her, but he has his own nickname for her -- Slammer. How it came about is likewise unknown.{{wob ref|9472}}
== Trivia ==
