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Seeking Forgiveness by Jordi Rapture.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Jordi Rapture}}</small></center> Visiting the [[Nightwatcher]]
Nightwatcher by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|EccoS}}</small></center> Facing the Nightwatcher
What is your boon by Dejan Delic.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Dejan Delic}}</small></center> Visiting the [[Nightwatcher]] and [[Cultivation]]
Highprince and Sons by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> With his sons at the [[chasmfiend]] hunt
Hunting the Chasmfiend by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Racing [[Elhokar]]