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(Add alt text from reddit user u/external_gills)
|source=[[bws: stormlight-1-maps-and-illustrations|Brandon's site]]
|type={{cat tag|Interior art}} - {{cat tag|Maps of Roshar}}
|alt=This picture features an oval cremling shell. It's rounded at the bottom and a bit serrated at the top. It has several small cracks along the sides. On it, someone has scratched a crude map. Someone else has added labels in ink. An arrow pointing up identifies that side as "Stormward" aka east.
I'll divide the map in three parts: the bottom quarter, the middle taking up half of the map, and the top quarter.
In the bottom left a large rectangle sits partially off the map, labelled "A Market". Above it and stretching to the right are several small squares labelled "Merchants". In the bottom right, also partially off the map are 7 rectangles labelled "Soldier Barracks". These barracks would be touching the merchants if it wasn't for what appears to be a rocky ridge separating them.
Above the merchants and soldier barracks runs a small stream labelled "A Storm Creek" that is fed by a circle labelled "A Sinkhole". Apparently enough water collects there during Highstorms to form a stream that is significant enough to include on the map. Across this stream from the merchants are many small rectangles labelled "Shanties". To the left of the shanties, on the edge of map is an empty space labelled "Slaves". There are no rectangles to indicate houses. To the right of shanties, next to the sinkhole are several larger buildings labelled "Smithies." From the smithies a road runs up (which is east)
From here the terrain slopes downwards towards the lumberyard and the staging grounds, which take up the centre of the map and about half the space in total.
The lumberyard takes the left half of the map and the staging ground the right side. The staging ground, where the army gathers before heading out, is simply a large empty space on the map. (This is where that arrow pointing up labelled stormward is, because there is room on the map here)
The Lumberyard is centred on a large open space labelled "Practice Yard". From there a road labelled "Lumber Road" goes to the smithies, to the west (which is down on the map) To the right of the road is the Duty Tent, to the left the first set of Bridgeman Barracks. There are 20 of them here, all neatly lined up in 3 rows, like soldiers standing in formation. Going clockwise from the first set of bridgeman barracks we first encounter the Mess, a structure the size of 6 Barracks. Above the Mess are more bridgeman barracks forming the left side of the lumberyard. 19 of them are neatly lined up, but one sits off to the side at an angle. It has the number 4 written on it.
We've now reached the top of the Lumberyard, the part nearest the Shattered Plains. Right above the bridge 4 barracks sits a long, narrow rectangle labelled "Privies". Must be a lovely smell. To the right of the privies are the "stone warehouses" and "Carpentry". The Stone warehouses border the Shattered Plains while Carpentry touches the practice yard at the centre of the Lumberyard.
Finally, the right side of the lumberyard is labelled "Bridge Storage" and has 40 rectangles indicating the bridges.
I hope that made the structure of the Lumberyard clear. I'll sum it up again just in case. Starting at the top, nearest the Shattered plains and going clockwise we have the Stone warehouses and the carpenters. Then Bridge Storage. Then the Duty Tent. Then the Lumber Road. Then the first set of bridgeman barracks. We are now at the bottom of the camp. Then the Mess. Then more bridgeman barracks including bridge 4's. Then the privies. And then we're back at the top. The practice yard is right in the middle of it all.
The top quarter of the map is filled with jagged lines that are supposed to represent the Shattered Plains. I think it's meant to be an artist impression rather than a real one-to-one depiction of exactly where the plateaus and chasms are. The chasm closest to the lumberyard has been labelled "Honor Chasm".
Finally, because I couldn't fit it anywhere else, there are two arrows pointing to things outside of the map. An arrow pointing left is labelled "To break in northern wall". An arrow pointing right and down is labelled "to main camp and officer's quarters". This arrow is close to the soldier barracks.