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Okay, so Help:Categorization does not exist yet, but I'm starting to write a categorization guide. We had that discussion on the Races and Creatures category, but I thought we'd discuss that stuff here. There's also some additional categorization stuff I want to discuss. Mission one, the Races and Creatures thing.
With articles like [[Scrak]] being categorized in Races and Creatures, I am finally persuaded that okay we should probably really do something about that category :P I was going to reply to that with a delightful counterargument that, like species, ethnicity and nationality is intrinsic and so they have the same "role"... but! Scrak poses some problems. So I've been thinking about this, and I discussed this a bit with Windy, so I think this may be a solution. There were many issues, because we definitely needed a category to contain Plants (because that was kind of a lame category). It was also tricky to come up with a name for a group that contains disparate members such as Seons, spren (which are not biological), Inquisitors and Lifeless (which are constructs), and biological races like Parshendi. Those all fulfill similar roles. Then, finally, the problem was that, what category should contain things like Scrak? Races and Creatures was a category that contained collections of things, but not individual members. Like, individual Seon articles like [[Seon Ashe|Ashe]] were not in Races and Creatures--as it should be. Seon was contained, not the original Seon article. But, at the same time, Scrak is not a character, so it cannot be categorized in Characters. And then the final motivation was that we have certain "high level" content categories (the ones that are in the sidebar, with a few others), and I would like to minimize the amount of those categories. Which, in this Google doc which will eventually be the categorization guide, I call Tier 2 categories (Tier 0 being Root level, and Tier 1 is Content/Administration. Tier 2 is the usual high level category for all intents and purposes. This is not at all important right now :P).
Here's my proposal. It ultimately splits Races and Creatures into three categories, but removes Plants as one. Not too bad.