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m (removed a spoiler from a later book (hemalgury))
m (this has a number of issues but they require more effort than I'm interested in right now)
== Prologue ==
{{epigraph|Sometimes, I worry that I’m not the hero everyone thinks I am.<br><br />
The philosophers assure me that this is the time, that the signs have been met. But I still wonder if they have the wrong man. So many people depend on me. They say I will hold the future of the entire world on my arms.<br><br />
What would they think if they knew that their champion--the [[Hero of Ages]], their savior--doubted himself? Perhaps they wouldn't be shocked at all. In a way, this is what worries me most. Maybe, in their hearts, they wonder--just as I do.<br><br />
When they see me, do they see a liar?}}
*Lord [[Themos Tresting|Tresting]]
*[[Straff Venture|Lord Venture]]'s full prelan [[obligator]] (unnamed)
*Jess' daughter (a pretty skaa, unnamed)
Lord Tresting entertains an obligator sent by Lord Venture, hoping to gain Venture's business partnership. Kelsier speaks with some skaa in the evening, and when a skaa girl is being taken to Tresting, Kelsier intervenes, killing Tresting and all his servants and soldiers, finally burning the manor to the ground.
;Other Notes
First mention of Lord Venture.
First mention of a [[Steel Inquisitor]].
First mention of Lord [[Renoux]].
First mention of [[mistwraith]]s.
First mention of the [[Pits of Hathsin]].
First mention of [[koloss]].
First mention of the caves held by the [[skaa rebellion]].
Context suggests this chapter takes place in the summer.
*[[bws: mistborn-prologue|Prologue]]
=== Chapter 1 ===
{{epigraph|I consider myself to be a man of principle. But, what man does not? Even the cutthroat, I have noticed, considers his actions "moral" after a fashion.<br><br />
Perhaps another person, reading of my life, would name me a religious tyrant. He could call me arrogant. What is to make that man's opinion any less valid than my own?<br><br />
I guess it all comes down to one fact: In the end, I'm the one with the armies.}}
Vin introduced, summoned to Camon by Ulef.
Camon pretends to be Lord Jedue, head of a house desperately looking for new contracts; this is a cover, an attempt to scam the [[Steel Ministry]] out of money.
Vin [[Brass|Soothes]] the obligator Prelan Laird so he won't dismiss Camon's pleas.
Lord Tresting's first name mentioned: Themos.
*[[bws: mistborn-chapter-one|Chapter 1]]
=== Chapter 2 ===
{{epigraph|If men read these words, let them know that power is a heavy burden. Seek not to be bound by its chains. The [[Terris]] [[Terris Prophecies|prophecies]] say that I will have the power to save the world.<br><br />
They hint, however, that I will have the power to destroy it as well.}}
Kelsier meets up with Dockson, they talk about their upcoming meeting.
Camon, as Lord Jedue, takes Vin to scam the [[Steel Ministry|Ministry]]; Kelsier and Dockson sit in the waiting room with Camon and Vin; Vin [[Brass|Soothes]] the High Prelan, and he gives Camon three thousand boxings.
Kelsier and Dockson see the High Prelan and a [[Steel Inquisitor]] tail Camon, Vin, and the rest of Camon's retinue.
Dockson plans to distract the [[obligator]], while Kelsier plans to distract the [[Bendal|Inquisitor]].
{{epigraph|We arrived in [[Terris]] earlier this week, and, I have to say, I find the countryside beautiful. The great mountains to the north--with their bald snowcaps and forested mantles--stand like watchful gods over this land of green fertility. My own [[Khlennium|lands]] to the south are mostly flat; I think that they might look less dreary if there were a few mountains to vary the terrain.<br><br />
The people here are mostly herdsmen--though timber harvesters and farmers are not uncommon. It is a pastoral land, certainly. It seems odd that a place so remarkably agrarian could have produced the [[Terris Prophecies|prophecies]] and theologies upon which the entire world now relies.}}
Vin's nervousness about the meeting with the [[obligator]] causes her to want to leave Camon's lair.
She tells Ulef, whom she wants to bring along, but he tells Camon while she retrieves her personal effects (including the earring her mother gave her).
Kelsier saves Vin, promotes Milev to Crewleader, takes the three thousand boxings as payment for dealing with the obligator and [[Steel Inquisitor|Inquisitor]], and rents the den for the evening meeting.
Milev's crew leaves for a while so Kelsier can test Vin for being a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]].
Milev's crew leaves for a while so Kelsier can test Vin for being a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]].
Vin subconsciously burns [[pewter]] after Camon hits her with a thrown stool. The likelihood of an allomantic halfbreed is mentioned - about one misting in 10,000.
*[[bws: mistborn-chapter-three|Chapter 3]]
=== Chapter 4 ===
{{epigraph|Apparently, the next stage of my quest will take us up into the highlands of [[Terris]]. This is said to be a cold, unforgiving place--a land where the mountains themselves are made of ice.<br><br />
Our normal attendants will not do for such a trip. We should probably hire some Terris packmen to carry our gear.}}
Kelsier and Dockson had left for a while, letting the crew return for a bit. The crew talks about what happened, speculating on the job. At a certain time, the crew leaves and the others arrive. Kelsier pitches his plan regarding the [[skaa rebellion]]. Kelsier's crew agrees, (except for Clubs, who walks out). Kelsier reveals to the others that Vin is a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], then tells them about and shows them the [[Eleventh Metal]].
[[Mare]] mentioned by thieving crew, but not by name.
=== Chapter 5 ===
{{epigraph|I don't even understand what I'm supposed to do. The [[Terris]] philosophers claim that I'll know my duty when the time comes, but that's a small comfort.<br><br />
The [[Deepness]] must be destroyed, and apparently I'm the only one who can do so. It ravages the world even now. If I don't stop it soon, there will be nothing left of this land but bones and dust.}}
=== Chapter 6 ===
{{epigraph|I never wanted this, true. But somebody has to stop the [[Deepness]]. And, apparently, [[Terris]] is the only place this can be done.<br><br />
On this fact, however, I don’t have to take the word of the philosophers. I can feel [[Well of Ascension|our goal]] now, sense it, though the others cannot. It... [[Bronze#Allomantic_Use|pulses]], in my mind, far off in the mountains.}}
=== Chapter 7 ===
{{epigraph|[[Rashek]] is a tall man--of course, most of these [[Terrisman|Terrismen]] are tall. He is young to receive so much respect from the other packmen. He has charisma, and the women of court would probably describe him as handsome, in a rugged sort of way.<br><br />
Yet, it amazes me that anyone would give heed to a man that speaks such hatred. He has never seen [[Khlennium]], yet he curses the city. He does not know me, yet I can already see the anger and hostility in his eyes.}}
=== Chapter 10 ===
{{epigraph|It amazes me how many nations have united behind our purpose. There are still dissenters, of course--and some kingdoms, regrettably, have fallen to wars that I could not stop.<br><br />
Still, this general unity is glorious, even humbling, to contemplate. I wish that the nations of mankind hadn't required such a dire threat to make them see the value of peace and cooperation.}}
=== Chapter 11 ===
{{epigraph|It seems [[Rashek]] represents a growing faction in [[Terris]] culture. A large number of the youths think that their [[feruchemy|unusual powers]] should be used for more than just fieldwork, husbandry, and stonecarving. They are rowdy, even violent--far different from the quiet, discerning Terris philosophers and holy men that I have known.<br><br />
They will have to be watched carefully, these Terrismen. They could be very dangerous, if given the opportunity and the motivation.}}
=== Chapter 12 ===
{{epigraph|What would it be like if every nation--from the isles in the South to the [[Terris]] hills in the North--were united under a single government? What wonders could be achieved, what progress could be made, if mankind were to permanently set aside its squabblings and join together?<br><br />
It is too much, I suppose, to even hope for. A single, unified empire of man? It could never happen.}}
=== Chapter 13 ===
{{epigraph|I know that I shouldn't let a simple packman perturb me. However, he is from [[Terris]], where the prophecies originated. If anyone could spot a fraud, would it not be he?<br><br />
Nevertheless, I continue my trek, going where the scribbled [[Terris Prophecies|auguries]] proclaim that I will meet my destiny--walking, feeling [[Rashek]]'s eyes on my back. Jealous. Mocking. Hating.}}
=== Chapter 14 ===
{{epigraph|Sometimes I wonder if I'm going mad.<br><br />
Perhaps it is due to the pressure of knowing that I must somehow bear the burden of an entire world. Perhaps it is caused by the death I have seen, the friends I have lost. The friends I have been forced to kill.<br><br />
Either way, I sometimes see [[Ruin|shadows]] following me. Dark creatures that I don't understand, nor wish to understand. Are they, perhaps, some figment of my overtaxed mind?}}
=== Chapter 16 ===
{{epigraph|Many think that my journey started in [[Khlennium]], that great city of wonder. They forget that I was no king when my quest began. Far from it.<br><br />
I think it would do men well to remember that this task was not begun by emperors, priests, prophets, or generals. It didn't start in Khlennium or Kordel, nor did it come from the great nations to the east or the fiery empire of the West.<br><br />
It began in a small, unimportant town whose name would mean nothing to you. It began with a youth, the son of a blacksmith, who was unremarkable in every way--except, perhaps, in his ability to get into trouble.<br><br />
It began with me.}}
=== Chapter 17 ===
{{epigraph|Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I'd remained there, in that lazy village of my birth. I'd have become a smith, like my father. Perhaps I'd have a family, sons of my own.<br><br />
Perhaps someone else would have come to carry this terrible burden. Someone who could bear it far better than I. Someone who deserved to be a hero.}}
=== Chapter 18 ===
{{epigraph|You could say that circumstances forced me to leave my home behind--certainly, if I had stayed, I would now be dead. During those days--running without knowing why, carrying a burden I didn't understand--I assumed that I would lose myself in [[Khlennium]] and seek a life of indistinction.<br><br />
I am slowly coming to understand that anonymity, like so many other things, has already been lost to me forever.}}
=== Chapter 19 ===
{{epigraph|[[Kwaan]] and I met by happenstance--though, I suppose, he would use the word "providence."<br><br />
I have met many other [[Terris]] philosophers since that day. They are, every one, men of great wisdom and ponderous sagaciousness. Men with an almost palpable importance.<br><br />
Not so Kwaan. In a way, he is as unlikely a prophet as I am a hero. He never had an air of ceremonious wisdom--nor was he even a religious scholar. When we first met, he was studying one of his ridiculous interests in the great Khlenni library--I believe he was trying to determine whether or not trees could think.<br><br />
That he should be the one who finally discovered the great [[Hero of Ages|Hero]] of Terris prophecy is a matter that would cause me to laugh, had events turned out just a little differently.}}
=== Chapter 20 ===
{{epigraph|It isn't a shadow.<br><br />
This [[Ruin|dark thing]] that follows me, this thing that only I can see-- It isn't really a shadow. It's blackish and translucent, but it doesn't have a shadowlike solid outline. It's insubstantial--wispy and formless. Like it's made out of a dark fog.<br><br />
Or mist, perhaps.}}
=== Chapter 22 ===
{{epigraph|At first, there were those who didn't think the Deepness was a serious danger, at least not to them. However, it brought with it a blight that I have seen infect nearly every part of the land. Armies are useless before it. Great cities are laid low by its power. Crops fail, and the land dies.<br><br />
This is the thing I fight. This is the monster I must defeat. I fear that I have taken too long. Already, so much destruction has occurred that I fear for mankind's survival.<br><br />
Is this truly the end of the world, as many of the philosophers predict?}}
=== Chapter 23 ===
{{epigraph|I sleep but a few hours each night. We must press forward, traveling as much as we can each day-but when I finally lie down, I find sleep elusive. The same thoughts that trouble me during the day are only compounded by the stillness of the night.<br> <br/>
And, above it all, I hear the thumping sounds from above, the pulsings from the mountains. Drawing me closer with each beat.}}
=== Chapter 24 ===
{{epigraph|In the end, I must trust in myself. I have seen men who have beaten from themselves the ability to recognize truth and goodness, and I do not think I am one of them. I can still see the tears in a young child's eyes and feel pain at his suffering.<br><br />
If I ever lose this, then I will know that I've passed beyond hope of redemption.}}
=== Chapter 25 ===
{{epigraph|No man dies by my hand or command except that I wish there had been another way. Still, I kill them. Sometimes, I wish that I weren’t such a cursed realist.<br><br />}}
When Kelsier asks Sazed how much [[Steel|speed]] he has stored, Sazed admits that it is a "very difficult attribute to collect."<br />
The Valtroux Garrison is only three days' march from Holstep.<br />
Kelsier and Vin followed the Luth-Davn canal as they ran from Luthadel. (Who was Luth/Lutha?)
*[[The Lord Ruler]]
*Many [[obligator]]s
*Eight [[Inquisitor]]s
=== Chapter 27 ===
{{epigraph|I think I’ve finally discovered why [[Rashek]] resents me so very much. He does not believe that an [[Khlennium|outsider]] such as myself - a foreigner - could possibly be the [[Hero of Ages]]. He believes that I have somehow tricked the philosophers, that I wear the piercings of the Hero unjustly.<br><br />
According to Rashek, only a [[Terrisman]] of pure blood should have been chosen as the Hero. Oddly, I find myself even more determined because of his hatred. I must prove to him that I can perform this task.}}
=== Chapter 28 ===
{{epigraph|Sometimes, my companions claim that I worry and question too much. However, while I may wonder about my stature as the hero, there is one thing that I have never questioned: the ultimate good of our quest.<br><br />
The Deepness must be destroyed. I have seen it, and I have felt it.. This name we give it is too weak a word, I think. Yes, it is deep and unfathomable, but it is also terrible. Many do not realize that it is sentient, but I have sensed its mind, such that it is, the few times I have confronted it directly.<br><br />
It is a thing of destruction, madness, and corruption. It would destroy this world not out of spite or out of animosity, but simply because [[Ruin|that is what it does]].}}
=== Chapter 29 ===
{{epigraph|The others all think I should have had [[Kwaan]] executed for betraying me. To tell the truth, I’d probably kill him this moment if I knew where he’d gone. At the time, however, I just couldn’t do it.<br><br />
The man had become like a father to me. To this day, I don’t know why he suddenly decided that I wasn’t the [[Hero of Ages|Hero]]. Why did he turn against me, denouncing me to the entire Conclave of [[Worldbringers]]?<br><br />
Would he rather that the [[Deepness]] win? Surely, even if I’m not the right one - as Kwaan now claims - my presence at the [[Well of Ascension]] couldn't possibly be worse than what will happen if the Deepness continues to destroy the land.}}
This chapter begins with an extensive passage from the end of Alendi’s logbook.<br />
Religions that Sazed talks about: the [[Astalsi]] (to Vin); the [[Truths of the Bennet]] (to Kelsier); the [[Valla]] (to Kelsier).
=== Chapter 30 ===
{{epigraph|Most of the [[Terris|Terrismen]] are not as bad as [[Rashek]]. However, I can see that they believe him, to an extent. These are simple men, not philosophers or scholars, and they don’t understand that their own prophecies say the [[Hero of Ages]] will be an outsider. They only see what Rashek points out - that they are an ostensibly superior people, and should be “dominant” rather than subservient.<br><br />
Before such passion and hatred, even good men can be deceived.}}
=== Chapter 31 ===
{{epigraph|Other men worry whether or not they will be remembered. I have no such fears; even disregarding the [[Terris prophecies]], I have brought such chaos, conflict, and hope to this world that there is little chance that I will be forgotten.<br><br />
I worry about what they will say of me. Historians can make what they wish of the past. In a thousand years’ time, will I be remembered as the man who protected mankind from a powerful evil? Or, will I be remembered as a tyrant who arrogantly tried to make himself a legend?}}
=== Chapter 33 ===
{{epigraph|We are close now. Oddly, this high in the mountains, we seem to finally be free from the oppressive touch of the Deepness. It has been quite a while since I knew what that was like.<br><br />
The lake that Fedik discovered is below us now - I can see it from the ledge. It looks even more eerie from up here, with its glassy - almost metallic - sheen. I almost wish I had let him take a sample of its waters.<br><br />
Perhaps his interest was what angered the mist creature that follows us. Perhaps...that was why it decided to attack him, stabbing him with its invisible knife.<br><br />
Strangely, the attack comforted me. At least I know that since another has seen it. That means I’m not mad.}}
=== Chapter 34 ===
{{epigraph|I never wanted to be feared.<br><br />
If I regret one thing, it is the fear I have caused. Fear is the tool of tyrants. Unfortunately, when the fate of the world is in question, you use whatever tools are available.}}
=== Chapter 35 ===
{{epigraph|I know what will happen if I make the wrong choice. I must be strong; I must not take the power for myself.<br><br />
For I have seen what will happen if I do.}}
*Seven other [[Inquisitor]]s
*[[The Lord Ruler]]
*[[Tevidian Tekiel]]
*Several [[Obligator]]s
=== Chapter 37 ===
{{epigraph|Is there anything more beautiful than the sun? I often watch it rise, for my restless sleep usually awakens me before dawn.<br><br />
Each time I see its calm yellow light peeking above the horizon, I grow a little more determined, a little more hopeful. In a way, it is the thing that has kept me going all this time.}}
=== Chapter 38 ===
{{epigraph|Such are my fears as I scribble with an ice-crusted pen on the eve before the world is reborn. [[Rashek]] watches. Hating me. The [[Well of Ascension|cavern]] lies above. Pulsing. My fingers quiver. Not from the cold.<br><br />
Tomorrow, it will end.}}
== Epilogue ==
{{epigraph|Oddly, on occasion, I sense a peacefulness within. You would think that after all I have seen--after all I have suffered--my soul would be a twisted jumble of stress, confusion, and melancholy. Often, it's just that.<br><br />
But then, there is the peace.<br><br />
I feel it sometimes, as I do now, staring out over the frozen cliffs and glass mountains in the still of the morning, watching a sunrise that is so majestic that I know that none shall ever be its match.<br><br />
If there are [[Terris prophecies|prophecies]], if there is a [[Hero of Ages]], then my mind whispers that there must be [[Preservation|something directing my path]]. Something is watching; something cares. These peaceful whispers tell me a truth I wish very much to believe.<br><br />
If I fail, [[Sazed|another shall come to finish my work]].}}
Sazed speculates with Marsh and Vin on [[Rashek]]'s [[compounding]] abilities - without using that term - and the origins of [[Allomancy]]. When Sazed comments that he can truthfully record that the Lord Ruler was killed by one of the skaa he repressed, Vin hopes that he won't put too much detail in; she still doesn't want attention drawn to her. Marsh then discusses his beginnings as an [[Inquisitor]], describing the process of creating one as "messy". They discuss the [[kandra]], and Sazed tells Vin that Kelsier transferred [[OreSeur]]'s [[contract]] to her. As Vin reflects on the Lord Ruler's final words, the group discusses the [[Deepness]]. Sazed then talks about Elend's speech after the death of the Lord Ruler.<br><br />
At the end, rather than turning her back on a life with Elend, Vin drops down through the still-broken skylight in Elend's rooms and embraces him.
== Ars Arcanum ==
{{for|Ars Arcanum#Mistborn}}
= Notes =
<references />
{{Mistborn|Era 1}}
[[category: Mistborn|+e1.1]]