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(finally finished chapter 54 history. 2 (notable and relevant) chapters to go)
The next night, while Renarin was eating the nightly stew with the [[Windrunner]]s listening to [[Sigzil]] tell a story, Dalinar arrived to discuss his vision. Renarin told him that he was reconsidering whether or not it was wise to share what he had seen with anyone else, since he suspected that Odium could influence what he saw. Dalinar told him that even if Odium was influencing the visions, it would still be worth knowing what was shown in the vision. Renarin relented and they left the circle of Windrunners to discuss.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
When they had reached a quieter area outside the [[Laqqi|village]], Renarin resummoned the vision so he could it describe what he had seen with greater accuracy. He told Dalinar that he appeared in the vision in stark white Shardplate and was pierced by a black arrow, facing away from the image of Odium, who was depicted as a yellow and white light spreading to eternity. Renarin told Dalinar that he thought the vision was saying that Dalinar would keep on fighting small battles and never be given the chance to have an actual contestconfrontation ofwith championsOdium. RenarinHe said that Odium had no reason to ever commit to an actual contest of champions, and would instead delay their confrontation indefinitely. Dalinar told Renarin that Odium had agreed to have the contest, but Renarin replied that since they had not set a definite date and terms Odium would be able to push it off for as long as he wanted to. They then discussed how Odium's futuresight was similar to Renarin's, in that they both only saw possibilities, not definite outcomes.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
|If I'm a blessing, Father, how can we reject the others? How can we condemn the one who made them? Sja-anat isn’t human, and doesn’t think like one, but I believe she is trying to find a path toward peace between singers and humans. In her own way.
|Renarin to Dalinar{{book ref|sa4|54}}
Dalinar asked him if he could see anything else in the vision, and Renarin told him that there was a blackness between Dalinar and Odium. Renarin told him that this represented himself. He explained that since his futuresight affects what he will do, it is difficult for Odium to see his future and the futures of the people around him. Dalinar thanked Renarin for this information and told him that he did not hide his abilities from others. Renarin thanked him for the vote of confidence, but inside he knew that since the Vorin and Azish peoples had been told for thousands of years that seeing the future was evil they would never accept him if they knew what he could do.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
Renarin asked Dalinar what he thought about additional Radiants bonding corrupted spren, since that would increase their access to futuresight. Dalinar told him that he would have to consider it since he was not comfortable yet with the idea of Sja-anat corrupting more spren. Dalinar told Renarin that he should talk to him if he has any more visions, since he also had some experience with seeing visions. Glys asked Renarin who would be good fit for another spren like himself, and Renarin recommended Rlain.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
== Relationships ==
{{image|Kholin Brothers by clarinking.jpg|side=rightleft|width=300px325px|Renarin with [[Adolin]]}}
=== Adolin ===
Renarin is very close to [[Adolin]], and respects him greatly almost to the point of hero-worship.{{book ref|sa1|18}} The brothers share a high level of trust and friendship. Renarin occasionally acts as a mediator when his brother and father have disagreements, and he often restrains Adolin from acting rashly towards Sadeas and others who insult Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|12}}{{book ref|sa1|15}} Adolin often encourages Renarin{{book ref|sa2|26}} and he helps him to learn how to use his Shards.{{book ref|sa2|44}}{{book ref|sa3|10}} While other people see Renarin as awkward and slow-thinking, Adolin knows that this is actually because Renarin is thoughtful and takes time to consider his words before speaking.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Renarin often worries about Adolin's safety and will intervene, often at great danger to himself, to try and help his brother.{{book ref|sa1|13}}{{book ref|sa2|56}}{{book ref|sa3|120}}
=== Evi ===
Renarin is very close with his mother, [[Evi]]. She told him myths and stories about Roshar when he was a young boy.{{book ref|sa1|61}} She would tell him what a great man his father was.{{book ref|sa3|94}}
{{image|Renarin and Rlain by rspixart.jpg|side=right|width=300px|Renarin with [[Rlain]]}}
=== Bridge Four ===
=== Rlain ===
Renarin is very friendly with [[Rlain]] and often goes out of his way to speak with him.{{book ref|sa3|55}} RenarinHe has romantic feelings towards [[Rlain]], though he has not yet told anyone else about it.{{wob ref|14483}}{{wob ref|14549}}
== Quotes ==
|The youth stood up, then gestured for Dalinar to follow. They left the circle of firelight, waving farewell to the others. Lopen called out, asking Renarin to "look into the future and find out if I beat Huio at cards tomorrow." It seemed a little crass to Dalinar, bringing up his son's strange disorder, but Renarin took it with a chuckle.
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}
|And by one, you judge the others? '''Renarin didn't say it though. People too often said things as soon as they popped into their heads. Instead he waited.'''
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}