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She had kept the secret and was very reliable, however they eventually decide to publish them. Before doing so, she removed the lines where he mentioned sensitive issues, such as the Almighty’s death. She’d also search for historical references to match his descriptions. Navani liked things neat and quantified. She’d prepared a timeline of all of his visions, trying to piece them into a single narrative.{{book ref|sa2|4}}
She believesbelieved the visions arewere a blessing because they proveproved that Dalinar isnwasn't going mad.{{book ref|sa1|61}} After recording several of his visions, Dalinar and Navani learnlearned to really trust each other and confessconfessed their feelings for one another. Navani ismade it clear that she would not stop for tradition, as their union iswasn't notexplicitly forbidden.{{book ref|sa1|62}}
=== Re-uniting the Alethi Princedom ===
Regardless of the war and internal Alethi plotting; Navani never stopped her research on fabrials. Among other works, she looked to make warcamps more sustainable (trying to build water pumps), creating possible weapons (moving plates) and even working on history (finding the gemstones on Shardblades are not part of the original piece).{{book ref|sa2|67}}
They faced a setback when the publishingpublication of the visions were changed from the way she had written them. The tone was changed to imply mockery; though Navani was furious with the outcome (his image would be strongly damaged), Dalinar took it better saying he would not hide from the truth.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
Shortly after that, upon Shallan’s return from the chasm with a very detailed drawing of the Shattered Plains, they all go in search for the Oathgate to Urithiru and to make, what they hoped would be, the final strike towards the Parshendi.{{book ref|sa2|75}}
=== Uniting Roshar ===
Once at Urithiru, she continuescontinued to transcribe the visions in much more detail now that Dalinar could replay them at will. After Odium manifestsmanifested on one vision, he decidesdecided thehis next action iswould be to unite all of Roshar and asksasked Navani to help him. He believesbelieved that his tenacity and her brilliance together, willwould convince the other kingdoms to join with them.{{book ref|sa3|1}}
She and Dalinar getgot married, throughwith the Stormfather whoofficiating isthe happyceremony, since the Stormfather toalways encourageencourages any types of oaths.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
While working with Dalinar on plans to bring the kingdoms together, she continued to write her memoirs,{{book ref|sa3|4}} work on large-scale civic project at Urithiru including sewage, and research/development ofand develop several types of fabrials, like pain or time- related ones.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
The unification of Roshar did not go as they expected. Only Taravangian from Kharbranth answered back with support. Navani was the main political voice talking to each leader.{{book ref|sa3|24}}