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Speculation. Also perpendicularity is lower case unless it's a full title
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(Speculation. Also perpendicularity is lower case unless it's a full title)
Renarin's visions manifest as fits that come upon him against his will, wherein he sees a number of scenes represented as stained-glass images, some of them underlined with numbers and words. {{book ref|sa3|120}} These visions can show both past and future events, even of situations where Renarin is not present at the time the event depicted happens.{{book ref|sa3|117}} However, the images of the future are not always accurate, and what actually happens can diverge from what Renarin sees.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
The visions are the result of [[Glys]]'s corruption by [[Sja-anat]] prior to the formation of the Radiant bond. This changed Glys's appearance from the typical light-spot shape to a red snowflake, and has somehow introduced [[Odium]]'s influence to the bond. How far this influence extends is yet to be seen.{{book ref|sa3|115}} This may be the cause of the divergences of Renarin's futuresight, as everything he has predicted was favorable to Odium, with the only times he was wrong resulting in an outcome that was not favorable to Odium.
Renarin's futuresight causes him to be a black spot that Odium cannot see when he tries to see the future himself.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{wob ref|11882}} This is due to a conflict in [[Fortune]] similar to the way [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] [[electrum]] and [[gold]] interact with each other.{{wob ref|11873}}
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] Renarin sat in the temple of [[Pailiah]] seeing visions of the future, manifesting as panes of stained glass combining and melting together.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah realized that something was not right with him and came to the temple intending to kill him and end the threat he, as a corrupted Radiant, posed to the rest of mankind. When she saw Glys floating in the air above Renarin's back she compared it to the sketch [[Jochi]] had given her and concluded that Renarin was not an actual Truthwatcher. She summoned [[Ivory]] as a Shardblade and prepared herself to do what she thought was necessary.{{book ref|sa3|115}} While she stood over him, Renarin watched his father give in and become Odium's champion.{{book ref|sa3|116}} He saw himself coming to the city with Dalinar and the betrayal that happened at the meeting. He saw himself kneeling in another pane of glass as Jasnah killed him, burning his eyes out.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Renarin accepted his impending death, thinking that it would be better to die than to live in a world where Dalinar Kholin, the Blackthorn, was Odium's champion. He whispered out loud that Dalinar had fallen and was no more. As Jasnah moved in to strike Renarin turned to look at her and nodded. Jasnah saw his tear streaked face and hesitated. She dismissed her Blade and embraced her cousin. She told him that they would find a way to fix what was wrong with him and that everything would be fine in the end. Seeing that Jasnah was not going to kill him, as his vision had foretold would happen, Renarin realized that his visions were not always accurate and that sometimes they were wrong.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Jasnah took Renarin's hand and pulled him through the city in a mad rush, jumping from building to building as she raced towards Dalinar and the column of [[gloryspren]] forming around him. Renarin complained that he couldn't keep up, but Jasnah told him that as a Radiant he was fully capable of doing so. As they neared some of [[Amaram]]'s troops Renarin warned Jasnah that he had seen in a vision that they had changed sides, but she kept going towards them. When she was close enough, she [[Soulcast]] the soldiers into [[Ten Essences|crystal]]. She then turned the wall of a nearby building into smoke, trapping some soldiers behind the rubble, and conjured a set of stairs out of the air for them to climb onto the next building. By the time they reached where Dalinar was standing outside the city he had closed the [[Honor's Perpendicularity|Perpendicularityperpendicularity]] and the other Radiants had started gathering around him. Dalinar ordered Renarin to go to the Oathgate and fight off the [[Thunderclast]] defending it so he could bring in troops from Urithiru to help them fight the battle.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
{{image|Thunderclast Bota.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Renarin fighting the [[Thunderclast]]}}
When Renarin saw that Adolin, who had just emerged from the Perpendicularityperpendicularity, had been injured he rushed over to him and healed his wounds. As Renarin made his way to the Oathgate he was slowed down by the crowds of people clogging the streets and Adolin went to help him. By the time Renarin had reached the Thunderclast Adolin and [[Hrdalm]] had begun fighting the monster. Renarin healed his brother and told them that he could take care of the Thunderclast on his own and that they should leave and go somewhere safer. As Renarin charged towards the monstrosity it slammed one of its fists on top of him, but Renarin was not fazed by this and simply used his Shardblade to cut the hand off at the wrist as his Stormlight healed his body. Renarin worked with Hrdalm to cut off the Thunderclast's limbs and then, at Glys's instruction, used Stormlight to drive the life out of its body. Renarin then instructed Hrdalm to go help with the fighting elsewhere and went to unlock the Oathgate. Renarin was surprised by this victory as his visions had predicted that he would die while fighting it.{{book ref|sa3|120}}