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Dalinar heard the voice in his head saying ''Unite Them'' once again as thousands of gloryspren streamed around him. Beyond them Odium stumbled back looking smaller than ever. As the voice saying ''Unite Them'' was even louder in his mind Dalinar thrust his left hand out and grabbed hold of the [[Cognitive Realm]] and he stuckstretched his right hand out and grabbed hold of the [[Spiritual Realm]].{{book ref|sa3|119}}
{{image|Dalinar Perpendicularity.png|side=left|width=250px|Dalinar summoning [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]}}
Venli approached him and asked him what he was. As he stood with his arms stretched out listening to the silence Dalinar heard a familiar woman's quiet voice{{wob ref|13765}} saying that she forgave him. Dalinar opened his eyes and told Venli that he was Unity. Dalinar then slammed both of his hands together and summoned [[Honor's Perpendicularity]] as a tower of light extending all the way up to the sky. Odium shouted at Dalinar that "they" had killed him.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
After hearing Evi's voice forgive him, the pain that he had just promised to accept upon himself started to fade away. Sounding stunned, the Stormfather told Dalinar that the Words of his oath had been accepted. Odium stumbled back and shouted orders to attack Dalinar. Venli did not move, but Amaram slowly stopped shielding his eyes from the light and began summoning his Shardblade. Dalinar told Amaram that he could change, but Amaram pointed to his chest and said that he would never be forgiven. As Amaram swung Oathbringer at Dalinar a pillar of light swung off of the pillar and Kaladin appeared and used [[Syl]] to block the blow. Moments later Adolin and Shallan emerged from the column of light as well to Dalinar's great relief. When no one else stepped out of the column Dalinar realized that Elhokar was gone.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Venli approached him and asked him what he was. As he stood with his arms stretched out listening to the silence Dalinar heard a familiar woman's quiet voice{{wob ref|13765}} saying that she forgave him. Dalinar opened his eyes and told Venli that he was Unity. Dalinar then slammed both of his hands together and summoned [[Honor's Perpendicularity]] as a tower of light extending all the way up to the sky. Odium shouted at Dalinar that "they" had killed him.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Dalinar opened his eyes and the column of gloryspren slowly faded away as he released the Realms and the perpendicularity collapsed. The power in him withdrew leaving Dalinar feeling exhausted. He saw that he had infused the gemstones scattered across the field, leaving him and his Radiants a wealth of Stormlight to use. The Stormfather told Dalinar that he had opened a direct conduit into the Spiritual Realm and asked him how he was able to renew the spheres. Dalinar told him that their [[Connection]] together allowed him to do it. He said that their bond was stronger than previous Bondsmiths since Honor was no longer alive.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Kaladin, Jasnah, Renarin, Lift, Shallan, and to Dalinar's surprise [[Szeth]] gathered around Dalinar. Dalinar counted seven Radiants rather than the ten he had been expecting. The Stormfather told him to look behind him and he saw [[Shalash]] and [[Taln]] walking towards him. Dalinar turned back and surveyed the battlefield. He saw that Odium had faded away almost completely and all that remained were the Fused, Yelig-Nar, and Amaram with his ten thousand soldiers, as well as the Thrill which manifested as a massive red cloud hanging over the ground near the water. Dalinar asked the Stormfather why only nine Radiants had come to join him, but the Stormfather did not know.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
|The enemy brought a very big stick to this battle, Captain. I'm going to take it away.
|Dalinar on the Thrill{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Kaladin asked Dalinar for orders
After hearing Evi's voice forgive him, the pain that he had just promised to accept upon himself started to fade away. Sounding stunned, the Stormfather told Dalinar that the Words of his oath had been accepted. Odium stumbled back and shouted orders to attack Dalinar. Venli did not move, but Amaram slowly stopped shielding his eyes from the light and began summoning his Shardblade. Dalinar told Amaram that he could change, but Amaram pointed to his chest and said that he would never be forgiven. As Amaram swung Oathbringer at Dalinar a pillar of light swung off of the pillar and Kaladin appeared and used [[Syl]] to block the blow. Moments later Adolin and Shallan emerged from the column of light as well to Dalinar's great relief.
=== Oathbringer ===